In conversation with Pandit Jagannath Guruji

1. You hail from a family of astrologers and the knowledge has been passed on through generations. Why did you then find the need to pursue a professional education in astrology?

This has been my family tradition and it quite natural for me to follow it, and it is naturally accepted also. We have been giving remedies to people from all walks of life as per our knowledge since generations. And everyone who comes to us has returned smiling. The feedbacks people have shared with us on the remedies or solutions provided by us through pujas are our biggest asset.

Education is something that adds value to your knowledge. And the practical knowledge that I imbibed from my father or grandfather was simply enhanced by the theoretical formal education in the domain. I have been resolving people's issues since I was just 17 years old, and it has always been an overwhelming experience and a fruiful journey, which gives me immense satisfaction. For instance, I have resolved issues related to relationships, marriages, families, education, health, profession etc. I have also resolved financial issues and helped people tackle negative energies.

2. What is the relation, if any, between astrology and spirituality?

Astrology and spirituality are starkly different from each other. Spirituality is all about practicing what you preach, and a large section of people can do it, whereas Astrology involves a lot of calculations and science and hence not many can pursue the same. However, both are different aspects of life and astrology encompasses some elements of spiritualism in it.

Astrology can ascertain your present and predict your future, but spirituality cannot do that. When you talk about spirituality, it is more about making life easy by imbibing different learnings.

3. You recently predicted that things will be back to normal by August 2021. What is the basis of this prediction?

Yes, I am very confident about this prediction. It was written many years ago by Veera Bhramendra Rishi in his literature that it would go as fast as it spreads. If you look around now, people are not very afraid of it, they are positive that it is a passing phase and they can face it. But lest we forget, prevention is better than cure. People across the world are in search for a medicine, but things have not turned fruitful till now. However, soon things will turn for better.

4. Why do you think astrologers failed to warn the world about Covid-19 pandemic in advance?

This is something that even God could not have predicted. However, on the basis of astrological calculations, I had predicted in November 2019 that in 2020, many people would witness a downfall, and after October, things would start looking fine.

5. There is a constant debate over whether astrology is a science or not. What is your take?

Astrology is not just science, but a combination of many things, such as maths, calculation, spirituality, face reading, palm reading and even common sense. Body vibration also has a great role to play in astrology, however, not many astrologers in India or abroad follow this practice. I have worked on this aspect in detail and probably I am the only astrologer in India currently to make predictions on the basis of body vibrations.

6. As an astrologer, what are your responsibilities towards the community/society?

We are actually here to serve people and provide them the right direction. We are here to give proper remedies and solutions to people. It is unfortunate that some astrologers use their knowledge to dupe people, but it's our responsibility to ensure it does not happen. Also, being an astrologer, I must ensure that there is no discrimination on the basis of caste or religion. My doors should be open for all, be it Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Sikh. If people come to me and share their problems, they must be assured that their problems and issues would be resolved definitely.

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