Thank You Dad

A father’s presence is extremely crucial, as a good father provides his child with lifelong lessons and much more in a holistic manner

Every child needs mental, physical, emotional and financial support. These factors are extremely important and are fulfilled by a father who takes the responsibility to enrich his child with positivity in their formative years and mostly throughout their lives. A father will always protect and nurture his child even though he may appear strict and silent most of the times. However in their inner space most fathers love their child or children unconditionally.

Fathers as pillars of support

Dr. Mamta Shah, Consultant Clinical Pyschologist, Pyschoanalytic Psychotherapist says that, “A lot of light has been shed about the role of mothers, but what about fathers? Fathers also matter and children require their fathers just as their mothers. To feel appreciated, understood and valued, children seek love, support, guidance and a positive role model in their fathers.” She makes it very clear that fathers occupy a unique and important role in the development of their child. The psychological damage of their absence can obstruct the development of the child throughout their life is what she feels.

A father as the strength of his child

Dr. Shah goes on to say that, “Fathers are important pillars in the development of emotional well-being in children. A father's role goes beyond just being a provider.” She also feels that children rely on their fathers to set down and enforce rules. They look for emotional and physical security from their fathers to feel safe. An affectionate, dependable and involved father instils stability, strength and inner growth. Furthermore, this greatly affects the child’s cognitive and social development, instilling an overall sense of well-being and self-confidence. “In the end, no matter the age of their child, a father never ceases to worry, care, love and support their child,” she states. 

Securing the child’s future

Aashmeen Munjaal, Ontologist, Mental Health & Relationship Expert feels that, “Fathers play a crucial role in promoting the value of education and lifelong learning by modelling positive behaviours, setting high expectations, and providing emotional and practical support.” She also says that when fathers demonstrate a commitment to education and continuous learning, they set a powerful example for their children. According to her, encouraging academic achievement, helping with homework, and celebrating successes fosters a positive attitude toward learning. 

Holistic growth provided by fatherhood

Munjaal also states that, “Fathers create an elevating home environment by ensuring access to books, educational materials, and minimising distractions. Discussing the long-term benefits of education and sharing personal experiences helps children appreciate its value.” She believes firmly that fathers who pursue their own learning and career development inspire a growth mind set, reinforcing the concept of lifelong learning. Providing mentorship and guidance in academic and career planning supports children in navigating their educational journeys.

The father-son and father-daughter relationship

While signing off Munjaal says that,” Emotional support during academic challenges further bolsters children’s resilience and motivation.” She goes on to mention that through these actions, fathers significantly influence their children’s attitudes toward education, instilling a culture of intellectual curiosity and a commitment to personal growth. This multifaceted involvement helps children value and pursue education as a lifelong endeavour. There is obviously always a different kind of relationship between a father and son, and a father and daughter. 

Children often tell their mothers that they love her but when it comes to fathers, sometimes sons and fathers hesitate to express that love through spoken words. With daughters, fathers are very casual and every girl child looks for her father’s attention as does a son, but daughters express more freely.


Kavi Bhandari

BW Reporters Editorial lead — BW Wellbeing

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