In Conversation With Saurav Kasera

1. What is DocTube and the reason behind creating it?

DocTube™ ( is a completely free video-based health content platform hosting over 10,000 medical videos by 3,000+ verified doctors covering over 1000 therapeutic medical conditions. 80%+ of the videos are in Indian vernacular language. It is a National Medical Council (NMC) compliant platform for verified doctors to share authentic medical knowledge with the citizens of India. DocTube™ has been conceptualized to improve patient health outcomes and avoid the harm caused by the plethora of confusing online recommendations given by unqualified individuals. DocTube™ allows verified doctors to directly address the need of patients to understand health conditions and their available treatment options, various medical procedures, demonstration of health devices, lifestyle changes & new technology developments.

DocTube™ is powered by CLIRNET, India’s fastest growing community of doctors with 4 lac users (40%+ of Indian doctors) on the platform.

2. How can a layman identify and understand the difference between Clirnet and Doctube?

The easy difference is that DocTube is freely available to all citizens of India while CLIRNET is only accessible to qualified Doctors after verification of their credentials!

CLIRNET is the largest live continuing professional development (CPD) and community generated content platform in the country with presence from metropolitan cities to most rural areas! This platform is meant for doctors only with minimum qualification of MBBS. The registration to this platform is by invitation only. CLIRNET currently has a doctor member base of 4 lac users, which amounts to nearly 40% of the total Indian doctor’s universe. Through CLIRNET, doctors, whether in cities or remote areas, can access the latest medical research, participate in online discussions and conferences, and connect with other doctors in their field. CLIRNET aims to be a one-stop-shop for medical professionals in India to connect, learn, and grow.

DocTube™’s core philosophy is “By Doctors, For People”. It is a platform that enables verified doctors to share accurate medical knowledge with the general population in India, while adhering to the guidelines set by the National Medical Council (NMC). Its purpose is to provide patients with trustworthy medical information from credible sources and prevent any potential harm that may arise from inaccurate online advice given by unqualified individuals. Through DocTube™, doctors can create and share a variety of content such as videos and presentations to educate the public on various health-related topics. Access to DocTube™ is free for everyone at

3. How can DocTube play a key role in the development of the doctor-patient relationship?

As per reports (2019), Google's total daily health-related searches amount to 70,000 each minute. Also, more than 70% of Indians search for a medical condition online. DocTube™ will allow doctors to directly address the need of patients to understand health conditions and their available treatment options, various medical procedures, demonstration of health devices, lifestyle changes & new technology developments. All this is in the patient's language and relevant to the specific healthcare needs of the diverse people of India.

In addition, by educating patients on DocTube, doctors can become more accessible to their patients, which can help to build trust and foster stronger relationships. Patients who can access reliable medical information from verified doctors on DocTube are more likely to seek care from those doctors in the future, which can further strengthen the doctor-patient relationship.

Overall, DocTube can help to promote greater transparency, trust, and communication between doctors and patients, which are essential elements of a strong and effective healthcare system.

4. Considering Covid cases are on a rise, how can DocTube play its importance in helping the country in this tough time?

We believe that there is a great need for a free platform like DocTube™, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic and its follow-on effects. As verified doctors create and share content on DocTube™, they can help to dispel myths and misinformation surrounding the virus and educate the public on how to stay safe and healthy.

During Covid-19, CLIRNET hosted over 800 sessions amongst 100,000 Doctors and developed a booklet containing 5,000+ Q&A for Doctors on different kinds of complicated medical situations. With DocTube™ , we can take this capability and similarly address all kinds of queries from the public as Covid-19 virus continues to evolve in different ways.

Additionally, DocTube™ can help to address the shortage of doctors and healthcare professionals, in case such a situation arises, by providing access to reliable medical information to patients in remote or underserved areas. By leveraging the power of technology and the internet, DocTube™ can help to bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers and ensure that all patients have access to reliable medical information and resources.

Overall, DocTube can be an extremely valuable resource in any challenging COVID-19 scenario by educating the public and offering validated information, thus contributing to better health outcomes for all.

5. What development is the platform bringing in the TeleHealth sector with the launch of DocTube?

Telehealth has been revolutionizing India's healthcare industry by enabling patients to consult healthcare professionals from anywhere in the world, eliminating geographical barriers and making healthcare more accessible and efficient. Telehealth has disrupted the traditional model of patient consultations, making it easier for patients to access healthcare services. The launch of DocTube is bringing significant developments to the Telehealth sector in India.

By facilitating doctors with a compliant platform to share their medical knowledge with patients, DocTube is increasing access to quality healthcare for individuals living in remote areas. DocTube™ will help to humanize the entire tele-health experience bringing trust and care to the relationship.

Furthermore, DocTube is helping to address the shortage of doctors and healthcare professionals in India by enabling doctors to share their knowledge and expertise with a wider audience, thus leading to better health outcomes for patients even in underserved areas.

6. Where do you see the growth of the platform?

The growth potential for DocTube is significant as it meets a crucial need in the healthcare sector, especially in India, where access to reliable and authentic medical information is limited for many individuals. The platform's focus on providing verified medical professionals a platform to share their expertise and knowledge with the public in a compliant and accessible manner is highly relevant in the current healthcare landscape.

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of telemedicine and remote consultations has increased dramatically, and the launch of DocTube comes at an opportune time. As more individuals turn to telemedicine for their healthcare needs, the demand for reliable and verified medical information is likely to grow, and DocTube is well-positioned to meet this need.

Furthermore, the platform's tie-up with ClirNet, India's fastest-growing community of doctors, provides a vast network of healthcare professionals who can contribute to the platform's growth and success. As the platform expands, it could potentially offer more services, such as teleconsultations, and cater to a broader audience, including patients from other countries, contributing to the growth of the telehealth and medical value travel segments in India.

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