In Conversation With Vijay Patel

1. What is an addiction to be understood in a layman's language, and how is it to be identified?

Addiction is a chronic condition characterized by compulsive substance use or behavior, despite harmful consequences. It is often accompanied by a strong desire or craving for the substance or behavior, a loss of control over its use, and continuing to use despite negative consequences. Addictions can include substances such as drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, as well as behaviors such as gambling and technology. It can be identified through changes in behavior, mood, and physical appearance, as well as withdrawal symptoms when the substance or behavior is stopped.

2. What are the common types of addictions being seen in India, and how is Alpha Healing Center playing its role in identification and healing?

In India, alcohol is most commonly seen as an addiction in the middle age groups; amongst youngsters, it is drugs like weed, heroin, cocaine, and nowadays even Rx drugs like sleeping pills, painkillers, and cough syrups that are commonly used. Alpha healing center is one of the leaders in this field, practicing evidence based therapies like psychotherapy & holistic therapies, thereby helping individuals not only in their recovery but also in building their Self Confidence & Self esteem to integrate them back in society

3. How do luxury rehabilitation centers help in improving the well-being of individuals, and what are the key initiatives and facilities being provided there?

Luxury rehabilitation centers offer a range of specialized services and amenities to improve the well-being of individuals struggling with addiction. The center provides a peaceful and comfortable environment, away from the stressors of daily life, which can be a significant factor in the recovery process. The key initiatives and facilities provided at the center include personalized care plans, evidence-based treatments, and a holistic approach to healing. At Alpha, we believe that recovery is a journey, not a destination, so in addition to basic psychotherapy, we have 12 step programs , family counseling, hypnotherapy/art therapy, and a healthy activity schedule, all of which play a vital role in long term recovery. The most important of these is the post discharge follow up which is critical to sustaining sobriety. We have a 6 month free follow up schedule as part of our treatment protocol, so any individual who needs help after discharge can get round the clock support to prevent relapse.

We also offer amenities such as private accommodations, nutritious meals, fitness facilities, spa treatments, and recreational activities, which can help individuals relax, recharge, and refocus on their recovery. Additionally, we have highly trained and experienced staff members who provide individualized support and guidance throughout the recovery journey.

4. How do you focus on the well-being of individuals at your rehabilitation center?

At Alpha, the day starts with Yoga/meditation followed by a 5 minute prayer to begin the day on a positive note. We also place an emphasis on a healthy diet and outdoor activities. After 4 pm, we engage our clients in activities like swimming, cycling, gym, spa, and organic farming to keep them fit and healthy. There are other entertaining activities like karaoke nights, we celebrate birthdays and festivals at our center. Our place is a second home for them. Apart from the treatments and therapies, we give equal importance to their safety, security, health and wellbeing.

5. What are the future plans of the brand, and where do you see its growth?

Our long term goal is to make Alpha a global center of choice for any individual looking for recovery from addiction and mental disorder treatment. We plan to open more centers, grow our partnerships and affiliations. Alpha also plans to enter into the mental health space offering online counseling, creating jobs for counselors and psychologists across India and creating a tech platform making mental health services more accessible.

We are averaging an annual growth of 15%-18% in the last 3 years despite the coincident pandemic, but now we are looking at annual growth of 25% over the next 3 years.

Alpha may also be open to investing into mental health startups to further expand our reach and accessibility to mental health services.

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