
In Conversation With Yasmin Karachiwala

1. How do you start your day and what can you tell us about the importance of staying physically active?

I like to start my day with lemon water which boosts vitamin C in the body and helps get rid of the toxins. It is then followed by a handful of almonds. Almonds are high in copper, zinc, iron that plays an important role in the growth, development, and maintenance of immune function. Besides, it's a good source of vitamin E that acts as an antioxidant to support pulmonary immune function. Vitamin E is also known to offer protection against infections caused by viruses and bacteria.

One cannot undermine the importance of staying physically active. Being physically active has significant health benefits for the heart, body and mind. Walking, cycling, wheeling, sports, active recreation and play, and can be done at any level of skill and for enjoyment by everybody. Being physically active also rejuvenates the body and mind. Moreover, regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and manage non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. It also helps to prevent hypertension, maintain healthy body weight and can improve mental health, quality of life and well-being.

2. How did you begin the journey of physical fitness?

I never set out to be a celebrity fitness trainer. I started out almost 30 years ago, with group aerobics. These were step classes and something I had learnt in a course abroad and that I did for fun. I enjoyed teaching people; it was like a hobby. My main intention in life was to become a teacher to little kids so simultaneously I did my teacher’s training course as well and took to teaching in a school in the mornings and in the evenings. As my classes got popular and more people came in, I realized I really enjoyed doing this and I went ahead and did a personal training course. I started a little studio in my house which became popular. That’s when I ventured into pilates. I never set out to be a celebrity fitness trainer, it’s something that came along the way. I wanted to help people be more fit and healthy. I still enjoy helping people with problems in their spine, knee or shoulder. I love the challenge.

3. Some everyday habits to manage weight from a young age?

Childhood obesity is a major concern as the extra weight accumulated during childhood can lead to several health problems in adulthood from diabetes, and high blood pressure to high cholesterol. Childhood obesity also affects a child's mental health. A change in food habits and reduced physical activities are some of the reasons behind increasing obesity in children. To be fit and healthy, children need to keep a check on their weight and what they eat right from a young age. Firstly, they should avoid packaged food as it is most likely to contain a large percentage of preservatives which means more calories. Such foods may often taste delicious and lead them to crave more, but they are not the best option health-wise. Besides eating right, children should also swear by any kind of workout for at least 30 minutes every day. They can either play a sport or perform a simple workout at home or take a stroll in the evening. Thirdly, practicing healthy snacking goes without saying. Children should be encouraged to snack on foods that keep them satiated for longer intervals, thus avoiding hunger pangs. For instance, snacking on a handful of almonds may have satiating properties and may keep hunger at bay between meals.

4. A lot of people experience body image issues on the regular, feeling guilty after being indulgent. What suggestions do you have for them?

We should make lifestyle changes and opt for smart food choices. I only educate my clients on which food is good and we all know that fried, sweet and alcohol are bad so we should avoid them. Packaged foods are most likely to contain many preservatives, which means more calories. Such foods may often taste delicious and lead you to crave for more, but they are not the best option health-wise. Instead, substitute such foods with freshly cooked meals to ensure intake of maximum nutrition and protein instead of artificial flavours and sweeteners. I am a true believer in mindful snacking. My go-to snack is almonds instead of consuming unhealthy snacks as this can make a healthy difference in our lives. Snacking smart with almonds is a small yet great change that can aid in leading a healthier lifestyle. Also, if someone is fond of spices, they can simply churn almonds into a flavorsome snack with just about any Indian masala/spices.

5. What exercise would you recommend to people who work long hours and do not find the time to go to the gym?

Working out 5 days a week is imperative to stay fit and healthy. For people with long working hours, I recommend them to either hit the gym, perform a simple workout at home or take a stroll in the evening. The idea is to walk at least 10,000 steps daily. While eating right is very important, one must not neglect exercising. Simple exercises like yoga and meditation and walking indoors or in the lobby area will increase their energy levels and keep them active.

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