
Looking within during trying times

The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'. It is truly enriching a practice. It improves concentration and self-confidence. Yoga is the union of our consciousness (knowledge and energy) with the Universal consciousness. The truth is not that we are human beings on a spiritual journey but spiritual beings on a human journey.

In this context Acharya Advait Yogbhushan – Luminary Yogi, Founder AHimalayan Yogi Institute, Vedic Science Teacher said that, “Yoga is beyond levels and categories. People indulge in a lot of things so why don’t they get what they aim for. For this we just have to enhance one thing – cleansing the food body and doing asanas which due to practice will lead to a better and healthier life.”

Yoga as a science is very interesting. It can transform you into a person with better health, higher self-confidence, peace within and avoiding diseases due to a strong immune system.

On the note of healthy living Grand Master Akshar - Founder, Chairman and Course Director, Akshar Yoga. President, World Yoga Organisation put forth his views by stating that, “People who work endlessly till the age of 40 to 45 years look perfectly fine from the outside but are damaged internally, which can be controlled if we integrate yoga at the right time. I don’t insist of changing the lifestyle of the person but as our body is very dynamic it can adapt to any kind of system. For almost 2 years people have been stuck at home but still able to survive. Basic techniques of breathing, basic techniques of meditation and some food habits can ensure a healthy body and mind.”

Looking at the benefits of yoga from a unique angle, Devi Mohan – Global Ambassador of Mohanji Foundation & Senior Instructor and Director of Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga said that, “The sessions I conducted with children really refreshed me, as especially when working with children it is rejuvenating as they understand what yoga is but have to have a practical approach they need to learn what kind of breathing exercises they have to perform etc.”

“My journey was extraordinary and yoga changed it for the better. I was working for a US based MNC for 8 years and had to meet deadlines, travel for work purposes and had a hectic lifestyle. However, this changed as I embraced yoga. Balance in everything can be attained through yogic practices,” commented Pooja Rani – Yogapreneur, Vedic Hatha Yoga Teacher.

Everyone has their own views but on an overall note yoga is the answer to many complications in our mind, body and spiritual self. 

Nidhi Ajay Yadav – Level 3 Yoga Teacher, from Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of Ayush brought out an important point that working in the corporate sector one issue is of the cervical issue. She stated that sitting on our desks with laptops for 8 to 10 hours a day is not at all beneficial in any way to our physical health. 

Yoga whilst not only bringing peace to our inner selves, also serves as a kind of self-mastery of our minds. 

Last but not the least Satakshi Shiv Prasad Kukreti - Certification Aadi Yoga School, Rishikesh India, Ena's Yogic Healing Yog Institute, Ayurvedic therapist, Haritha Ayurveda Academy & Panchakarma Center spoke about how yoga can completely change a person’s life for the good and also enrich their health – physically, mentally and emotionally. She stressed upon the importance of water intake and how to indulge in detoxification through water. 

BW Wellbeing of BW Businessworld organized a webinar on International Yoga Day to celebrate the day, spread awareness about the various benefits of yoga, types of yoga, the science of yoga and much more. Dr. Annurag Batra – Chairman and Editor-in-Chief BW Businessworld moderated the webinar.

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