
Maha Shakti & Spirit Of Navratri: A Celebration Of Divine Feminine Energy

Nine energies with specific properties/characteristics which combined became maha shakti

These are nine energies with specific properties/characteristics which combined became maha Shakti one great energy maha Durga.

 Using the etymology of the name of the shakties these properties/characteristics are as follows

1. Shailputri: Energy which gives motion and cleanses it

2. Brahamcharini: Energy which gives growth Brih– growth, char-motion

3. Chandraghanta: Energy which gives happiness and illumination (mental and physical)

4. Kushmaanda: Energy which helps in synthesis

5. Skandmata: Energy which gives support (Kandh-wall) 

6. Kaatyaani: Nivaase – Aachadne Energy which covers

7. Kaalraatri: Kaal – Kshepene – striking forces. The energy gives three striking forces which are of three types (Trithree) i.e., weak striking forces, very strong which create combustion/disintegration and Electrical nuclear forces.

8. Mahagauri: Shwet Energy which means pure which is of high intensity and is white in colour. Sunlight is basically white but it comprises of VIBGYOR i.e., Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red which are all energies.

9. Siddhaatri: Dha– Dhaarne Energy which can sustains

10. The etymology of the word DURGA is normally understood as a fort. A fort where all soldiers even from different places get together and become one very powerful force/unit.

All these energies when combined become one super great energy called maha Shakti Maha Shakti/Durga Maa is the 
creator and preserver. 

Note: The scientists should use these energies and make one super energy which will destroy all evil persons/agencies which 
are against Bharat.


Daksha Bharadwaj

Guest Author Sh. Daksha Bharadwaj (B.ARCH, A.I.I.A) Founder Trustee - Dr. Satyakam Bharadwaj Vedic Research Foundation

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