"Motivation Is Fleeting; We All Have Eperienced That Initial Burst That Fades With Time" - Ashdin Doctor

Q. What was the pivotal moment in your life that led you to recognize the need for a significant change in your health and wellness habits?

 A. Certainly. The turning point for me happened around the age of 30-31 when I collapsed on the floor while preparing for a presentation. My lifestyle was far from healthy, with minimal sleep, a diet heavy in butter chicken and jeera rice, and a daily indulgence in sweets. That moment of physical breakdown, holding my chest and fearing for my life, brought forth two realizations. First, there were two sides to me—one celebrating my hard work and the other in sheer panic. Second, I couldn't continue living this way. It was too frightening. This marked the beginning of my commitment to change and help others avoid a similar fate.

Q. How did your personal experience of transforming your health and fitness, from collapsing on the floor to achieving a six-pack, inspire the development of your habit coaching business?

A. Initially, it was about aesthetics, the desire for a six-pack. However, traditional hour-long workouts proved impossible for me in my unhealthy state. Discovering Tabata and 7-minute scientific workouts became a game changer. With consistency, those short routines evolved into longer, more challenging sessions. My body transformation fuelled my passion, and people started noticing. They found it hard to believe, saying they lacked the motivation and willpower. That's when I realized it's not about motivation; it's about forming tiny habits. This realization birthed the concept of habit coaching , an industry I essentially created.

Q. Can you elaborate on your realization that sustainable habits, as opposed to mere motivation, are crucial for long-term success and personal transformation? How did this realization shape your approach to health and wellness?

A. Motivation is fleeting; we've all experienced that initial burst that fades with time. So, I learned the importance of choosing simple, easy-to-do short-term actions that add up over time , the essence of habits. Long term goals are crucial, but the path to them must consist of manageable actions. I noticed people blamed themselves for lacking willpower, but it wasn't about that. It was about not being taught how to form habits. This realization became the foundation of my approach to habit coaching.

Q. Given the lack of awareness about holistic health and wellness during your initial journey, how did you navigate through various workouts and health regimes to eventually find a solution that worked for you?

A. In India, health and fitness influencers were scarce during my early health journey. I turned to international sources, delving into scientific research. Reading a book every two weeks became my routine. It was essential to distinguish between pop culture diets and evidence-based practices. This knowledge became the backbone of my transformation. My hunger for accurate information also inspired me to start a podcast, focusing on India-centric health insights.

Q. As a versatile entrepreneur, author, habit coach, podcaster, and philanthropist, how do you integrate your multifaceted expertise to promote holistic health and wellness?

A. The podcast reaches a wide audience, creating a health-conscious environment. My books provide actionable steps, complemented by workbooks for readers to implement habits physically. At the Light Of Life Trust, our NGO, we incorporate health and wellness habits into children's lives. We also teach financial literacy, aiming to break the generational cycle of poverty. Through meditation, we foster mindfulness to enhance receptiveness to learning. It's about empowering the next generation with holistic life skills.

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