'No Journey Comes Without Challenges' - Amitoz Singh

Q1. What inspired the founding of Nirvasa Healthcare?

Ans. When we created the groundwork for Nirvasa Healthcare in 2019, it wasn't the same as the multi-speciality digital health clinic it is today. We set out with one, clear goal of providing millions of Indians with primary healthcare that is both accessible and affordable. Like every other bootstrapped business, there were many challenges and lessons to be learned in the beginning, but over the course of these four and a half years, we went from no revenues to a company with an ARR of 100 crores. However, no journey comes without challenges. In an industry lacking iconic competitors, we had to forge our own path. While many smaller businesses solely focused on selling products, Nirvasa recognised the need to offer digital healthcare consultation and high-quality treatments, something we always paid our full attention to. In a vast country like India, we observed significant gaps in the availability of trained doctors. To close these gaps, we built an end-to-end digital healthcare ecosystem that has enabled us to provide roughly 10,000+ daily consultations through licensed medical professionals.

Q2. How does Nirvasa incorporate wellness principles into its digital health clinic model?

Ans. Patient-centricity has been at the core of Nirvasa. The sole motif for building this company was to help people in whatever way we could through our services. This is how we scaled up from being a quality product retailer to a digital healthcare service provider that has built its reputation on providing ongoing care to its patients during the treatment process. We also paid equal attention to the efficiency and effectiveness of our products, which again led us back to the idea of a patient-centric approach. Nirvasa Healthcare is an end-to-end digital healthcare platform that combines the power of four: Doctor-Prescribed, Ayurveda, Modern Medicine, and Good nutrition, ensuring that our patients receive accurate, reliable, comprehensive, and curated treatments and care.

Q3. As the founder and CEO of Nirvasa healthcare, how do you envision the future of the digital healthcare landscape?

Ans. India as a country, is highly scarce with respect to doctors, proper infrastructure, and primary healthcare facilities. Therefore, I believe that the growth of digital health clinics will aid in bridging these gaps and give patients an opportunity to make better healthcare decisions. By working together with the government, we could reach out to a large number of individuals in tier 3 and tier 4, where there is a lack of infrastructure.

Q4. How does Nirvasa ensure wellness and healthy lifestyle to the people?

Ans. In order to provide individuals with affordable access to high-quality healthcare, Nirvasa presently employs more than 200 doctors and 800 other health professionals. Healthcare costs can be a significant burden for many people, especially in regions with limited access to affordable healthcare. Free doctor consultations by Nirvasa will help alleviate this burden by offering quality healthcare to the people living in the remotest parts of the country. Nirvasa will soon launch a healthcare app that aims to enhance healthcare delivery, improve patient experiences, and enable more accessible and efficient healthcare services.

Q5. What are your future plans?

Ans. We'll work to improve access to primary healthcare digitally across the entire nation. In addition, we want Nirvasa to be recognised as an Indian digital health clinic serving patients worldwide. In terms of figures and revenue growth, we aim to double our current domestic revenue of 100 crores to 200 crores in the upcoming fiscal year. After which, we will be stepping forward for advancements on a global scale.

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