
Rejove Unveils Its State-Of-The-Art Skin, Hair And Dental Aesthetic Clinique Equipped With Latest Global Technologies

According to Dr. Goyat, since its inception in 2017, Rejove has had more than ten thousand satisfied clients. In a short interview with BW Wellbeing World, Dr. Priyanka Goyat spoke about the challenges due to the pandemic and much more about the brand. 

Q. How have the last 1 year, 10 months been for you personally and professionally?

A. It has been challenging for everyone and I am no different. I had my own ups and downs where a majority patient base was international, where I had a lot of patients traveling to me for extensive advanced prosthetic rehabilitation which actually did take a hit and after which I was thinking of opening doors to the local patients, and how I could cater to their needs because the entire wellbeing sector has changed in the form of accessibility and technology incorporated along with these healthcare services.

Q. How does dental care and skin care affect our immune system?

A. I think there is a direct coordination where it is directly proportional, as our oral cavity has many microbes anaerobic, aerobic microbes which are present on the tooth surfaces and if we don’t take care these deposits keep increasing. They get mineralized and they become harder structures which results in early loss of tooth. Sometimes there have been studies that the early loss of tooth is related to heart issues. 

Q. What is the USP of Rejove?

A. The USP is the perfect amalgamation of being an aesthetic center where we are well aware of the facial harmony in totality which is not a dental aspect or a skin aspect, but a total holistic aspect where I think they have a synergist effect, they complement each other and they go hand in hand. There are many instances where we have seen that one kind of treatment complements and the treatment outcome results increase because we have understanding of soft tissue, hard tissue, skin type and all of these combined. 

Q. What were the major challenges you face during the pandemic?

A. The major challenge was to get the patients out for their treatment because dentistry and skin are procedures which need to have the patients to be in front of the expert. There have been instances where patients have tried to avoid these situations as they were scared of venturing out from their homes. 

Q. How many people approximately have you treated?

A. Our database has a few thousand patients registered. We have been actively working for 4 years. Since it is an aesthetic center, it is a one stop where it is easier for the patients to start with skin and then they would want to do the dental treatment as well. The number of treatments has been impressive.

Q. Where do you think you will be after 5 years?

A. We have already got the interest and attention of investors where we have closed a round of investment of approximately 1 million USD though I won’t be able to disclose the sources. We want to utilize the funds that are allocated to us into driving the entire skin and dental care into a tech driven system where there is more accessibility and reach out to patients, if who cannot come to us, we will go to them. So we are expecting a lot of more growth in the next 5 years.

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