Taking a leap ahead

1. What is expected from the app Sir? How is it different from any other yoga app?

Right now we are offering online classes. Soon we will have all our products (RED classes, that is Reduce Everyday Fitness programme; ‘RAPID’, a 7 day formula for weight loss with yoga and nutrition; ‘SuperFast’, a 30 day formula for quick change, Himalayan Challenge - a 90 Day Transformation programme) which are known to give results unheard of. 

We will soon be doing disease management with live nutritional guidance, live medical advice from qualified doctors. 

This is just the beginning, we are working on adding artificial intelligence, so that your experience becomes so much like you have a teacher right next to you. 

How our app is different is that it will be an end to end solution. 

From fitness to illness, obesity, ageing, stress, injury .. we have the knowledge base, the experience and the research to deliver specific solutions .. Artistic Yoga company has proved that. With the app, we can reach out potentially to every human being in the world. 

The app allows us to put out the knowledge and experience that we have collected over 25 years of being in the field as a company, having touched millions of lives. 


Artistic Yoga is

• Holistic
• Awareness Driven 

• Promotes meaningful & sustained well being 

• Impacts five layers (physical body, breath body, emotional body, mental body, psychic body)

Concept tested & re-engineered over time

• Original living source belonging to ancient lineage of adepts.

The Artistic Yoga app offering

• Harvests the offline experience of 1.5 million customers 

• Uses dynamic methodologies. 

• Is a combination of offline data + omni-channel allows very effective behaviour modification to be effected. 

• is extremely personalised by giving personalised offerings, combination therapy, yoga, nutrition and alternate medicine. 

• is based on a multiple subscription model (on demand class, master class, video/ audio/ tele medicine subscriptions and products) 

2. What if people with health issues as mentioned in the mail, are safe to follow the app?

Firstly, all our programmes are tried and tested in our studios, with several thousand students benefiting from them over a period of 25 years in many countries across the world. 

The app will have all health experts on board, there will be user profiling based on the problems, ailments and health issues.

Every class or series will have its own ‘who should and who shouldn’t do’. 

So yes, it is definitely possible for people with health issues to do it.  But, firstly we have always said, get your doctor’s approval. They are the experts on the medical side. And secondly, we will be upfront in saying that under certain risk factors, one should not do Yoga without direct human supervision.

When it comes to lifestyle related health issues like high  blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, sleep disorders, anxiety, back issues, low energy levels, cognitive weaknesses, doing the yoga will give your great relief. Those with health conditions have to strictly follow their dos and dont’s.  

3. What is the essence of Bharat Thakur yoga in general?

The essence of Artistic Yoga is ‘Do-ability’ - every human being has a right to benefit from Yoga - to heal and to get happy. So through the Artistic Yoga methodology, we have made traditional Yoga easy to follow and practise.  

This do ability has four legs - results, motivation, scientific base and no belief system.  

Results. You have to be able to see daily change and know from day one that you are on the right programme to succeed.

Motivation. We understand you have tensions and anxieties. We like to put a smile on your face and keep you motivated.  

Science based. Artistic Yoga is about the knowledge of the human body, mind and spirit. The more you know about yourself, the more you are inspired.  

No belief system. Yoga is an art because it teaches a soulful way of life. Artistic Yoga requires you to neither adopt or shed any beliefs to benefit from Yoga. 

4. What is artistic yoga?

Artistic Yoga is the name of a dynamic, result oriented and motivational form of Yoga which can help you lose all your weight, get stress free, become fit, improve all your health parameters, heal and become happy. 

We live sedentary lives. Through Artistic Yoga we work on all five aspects of fitness namely endurance, strength, flexibility, agility and balance. 

Artistic Yoga is a complete body-mind practise. We need to work on the mind and emotions to counter stress, detox, improve oxygen levels and achieve hormonal balance in our body so that we are healthy. 

We also need something that anchors us to our core so that we never lose touch with the goal of being happy. 

Artistic Yoga can give you the framework based on the classic model of ‘ashtanga yoga’ or the ‘eight limbed protocol of yoga’ to achieve this. 

It follows the body part training methodology where we focus on two body parts on a given day and cover the entire body in a week. This allows us to get better results while getting enough rest. 

A summary of benefits of Artistic Yoga

Physical Fitness 

*Increased energy levels 

*Weight loss, body sculpting, ideal muscle tone 

*Strong muscles and pain free joints 

*Improved cardio- vascular endurance, blood circulation, pulse and heart rate 
*Better spinal alignment and flexibility 

Stability & Balance 

*Balanced response to stress 

* Enhanced work-life balance with greater competency in all work situations 

• Heightened decision making ability 

* Freedom from addictions 
* All of the above bring balance in diet and lifestyle naturally 

Disease Prevention 

* Less vulnerable to heart disease, nervous system disorders and other disease 

* Regulation of blood pressure 

* Improved immunity 

* Lower levels of inflammation and vulnerability to cysts and tumours 

* Reduced cellular degeneration 

* Lowered insulin

Well Being 

* Spiritual well- being (ability to heal and be happy) 

* Emotional well- being - improved coherence of the mind by enhancement of alpha, theta, delta states 

* Physical well-being - anti ageing and optimal metabolism, hormonal balance, vital organ function and sex life 


* Enjoying the blissful state of samadhi 

* Developing a Meditative Mind 

* Developing a self- evaluating approach 

* Non-competitive mindset 

* Improved understanding of the process of evolution. 

5. Is this app only for Indians or is it on a global level?

It is for the whole world. In fact we do feel that the app revolution was what we were waiting for, because the Artistic Yoga has from day one been ‘Yoga for all’ because it allows a single practise to help you get fit, stay healthy and become happy, without expecting you to have any qualifications in terms of knowledge, or skill.   

6. How does Bharat Thakur see the importance of yoga in context with Covid- 19?

At the core of a good response to the Covid 19 virus is a strong immunity. 

Our immune system can be seen as having two components. ‘Innate immunity’, which is the first line of defence and ‘acquired immunity’, through which the body produces its own anti bodies to fight the virus. 

When we recover from a virus of any sort, the body takes a few days to make the anti bodies specific to the virus. But how it fights the virus in those few days before the anti bodies are produced is very crucial. And this is done by its innate immunity. 

People who succumb to Covid have weak innate immunity. So before the body can fight it with its own anti bodies, the virus becomes too strong and it’s then too late. 

Through Yoga, we can improve innate immunity in two specific ways. 

One way is by boosting the levels of a hormone and neurotransmitter called ‘serotonin’, also called the happy hormone. Greater levels of serotonin increases the response of the innate immune system, preventing what is called the ‘cytokine storm’ which is a fatal over reaction of the immune system when your innate immunity is weak. 

The second way Yoga can help fight Covid 19 is by increasing oxygen levels in the blood. The Covid 19 virus is seen to be doing many things to reduce the levels of oxygen in the blood which also forces people on the ventilator and this among the aged has proved to be fatal. 

The combination of specific asana, pranayama and kriya can boost the oxygen levels in the blood and significantly raise the serotonin levels as shown by many researches. 

This makes a focused Yoga practise a concrete response to strengthen the innate immune defence, increasing the power to resist and recover from the onslaught of the Covid 19 virus. 


This virus is here to stay with us for a long time. Social distancing, more time spent alone, and a huge change in the behaviour and lifestyle of people .. even the rules of displaying affection and intimacy will change.  

Cleanliness standards, how we manage time, spend money, relate to our environment all these have been disrupted. Only one thing is known - that the changes will be massive. The years to come is bound to be a challenging period at an individual and global level. 

We need nothing short of a systematic internal transformation to be able to adapt and come out on top.

Yoga is the science of human evolution. It has been made precisely for this.

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