The Benefits Of Online Counselling

The Artemis Hospital’s mental health department hosted a seminar on online counselling, discussing the importance of it and AI (Artificial Intelligence) in mental wellness at present

In recognition of the growing need for accessible mental healthcare solutions, Artemis Hospital’s Mental Health Department organised a seminar on online counselling sessions. This session, helped to explore the advantages of online counselling and the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in supporting mental wellbeing.

Convenience and significance of online counselling

“The stigma surrounding mental health can often prevent individuals from seeking help,” said Dr. Puneet Dwivedi, Chief of the Department of Mental Health & Behavioural Sciences at Artemis Hospitals. He also said that online counselling offers a convenient and confidential platform for people to connect with qualified professionals, regardless of location or time constraints. He also stated that, “It offers a convenient and accessible way to get professional mental health help and removes barriers like travel time and scheduling conflicts, making it easier to fit therapy into your life. This can be especially helpful for people in remote areas or with busy schedules.” 

Dr. Dwivedi also emphasised on facts like how online counselling during the pandemic, when people had huge mental issues, was extremely significant and beneficial and how people addressed their problems with open minds. He also said, “The online platform took a huge leap that time as circumstances demanded it. Hence, we can say that people have embraced their want to grow mentally stronger and eradicate issues.” 

The need for awareness

Dr. Rahul Chandhok, Head - Psychiatry at Artemis Hospitals said that awareness is key and that it is moving in a positive direction. “For India online counselling is a new concept. Now there is a plethora of changes in the awareness levels,” he stated. 

Experienced mental health professionals led the session from Artemis Hospitals and some other eminent organisations of the industry. The participants had the opportunity to learn about:

 • The benefits of online counselling for various mental health concerns. 

• How online therapy works and what to expect during a session.

• The ethical considerations of using AI in mental health applications.

• Practical tips for managing stress and improving mental wellbeing. 

The role of AI in the mental health domain

“AI has the potential to revolutionise mental healthcare by providing accessible screening tools, personalised interventions, and ongoing support,” explained Dr. Chandhok. He went on to say that, during the session, the panel which had a discussion on the ethical implications and limitations of AI in this field, was very helpful in engagement with the audience. According to him it can be a valuable tool for mental health patients in a few ways. It can offer 24/7 support through chatbots or virtual assistants, providing resources, monitoring moods, and offering basic coping mechanisms. “AI can also analyse data to personalise treatment plans and identify patterns that might inform therapy. Additionally, AI-powered tools can help with early intervention by analysing speech or social media activity to detect signs of potential mental health issues,” he signed off.

The sessions empowered mental health patients by providing a safe space to discuss their struggles and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Therapists could help patients understand their emotions, identify negative thought patterns, and create personalised strategies to manage stress, anxiety, or depression. This will lead to improved emotional regulation, increased self-awareness, and a better overall sense of well-being


Kavi Bhandari

BW Reporters Editorial lead — BW Wellbeing

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