
The Effects Of Depression On Your Body

When we let fear, worry, stress and anxiety grow in our life and lose the virtues of faith, hope, trust and enthusiasm, we can be caught by the biggest problem of all – depression. Life, then becomes a journey of suffering as we hate every moment we live. What does depression do to your body? It makes you sick. Today, the world has mind-medicine as one of the major branches of healthcare because of a new disease that has emerged in this world. We may call it Rotten-thought-itis. This is the current world’s biggest and the most dangerous disease that affects the mind. A person affected with this disease suffers from thinking rotten thoughts that cause anxiety, worry, fear and stress.

Depression doesn’t just affect the mind. It affects the body of an individual too. To understand the effects of depression in the body, we must understand the cause of depression.

Depression is caused by the mind. Actually, it should not be called depression. It should be called ‘aggression’, because the mind is completely in an aggression mode. It is far more dangerous than an AK-47 rifle shooting bullets at us, because the mind would shoot over 50 thoughts per minute. This can lead to having more than 50,000 thoughts a day. With this much aggression of the mind, there will be no other option, but to have depression.

How does this happen? The mind, suffering from Rotten-though-itis, bombards us with negative thoughts of fear, worry, stress and anxiety, leading to depression and even to suicidal thoughts. And then, there is no going back from there. Will this affect our health or not? Of course, it will! Our mind has a direct relationship to our body. That is why, psychiatry has become such a major branch of medicine in the world today. The moment there is anxiety and stress, it affects our blood pressure, our brain and heart and all the other major organs of our body. Therefore, the problem with the mind, the problem of depression, is not just emotional. It gets translated into a physical equivalent and leads to our becoming physically sick.

Many people do not realize the connection between mental health and physical health. They don’t understand - how can the hardware of a computer work, if the software is corrupt? Mind is nothing but the software of our body and if you do not take care of your mental well-being, then however healthy we may be in body, we will end up being sick.

What happens when you are in a state of depression? When in a state of anxiety and stress, are you able to smile? Or are you able to think? Are you able to make an intellectual decision? Absolutely, not! You become paralyzed. This paralysis is a mental paralysis. Isn't it more dangerous than a physical paralysis? Yes, of course! It is much more dangerous than a physical paralysis. Thus, there is a big connection between depression and our physical health. Our body is directly affected by our mind. Therefore, if you do not still the mind and kill the mind, you surely will lead to death of the body.

Finally, what is the way out of this problem of depression? It is a very simple solution. It is not medical the solution, rather a spiritual one. The solution is silence. The solution lies in being in a state of Consciousness. We must therefore, learn to flip over from the mind to the state of Consciousness. In the state of Consciousness, the intellect shines. It discriminates thoughts and only one thought at a time, enters our Consciousness. Then, we watch that thought without thinking, just like we watch a lone fish floating in an ocean. There is only peace and bliss. There is no depression.

When will we, humans, learn to use spiritual solutions rather than running to medical professionals to solve a problem?


AiR Atman in Ravi...

Guest Author Spiritual Leader and founder of AiR Institute of Realization and AiR Center of Enlightenment

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