"The Indian Fitness Industry Is Rife With Misconceptions" - Rajat Goel

1. Transitioning from a corporate career to becoming a fitness entrepreneur and international prep coach is quite a leap. Could you share what motivated you to make this shift and pursue a career in the fitness industry?

Throughout my 24-year journey, fitness has been a constant passion since I began weight training at the age of 13. Despite pursuing engineering, an MBA, and corporate roles, I found myself drawn back to fitness. After a stint at Infosys, I realised coding wasn't my path and became a college director in 2009. By 2014, I decided to align my career with my lifelong passion. My motivation stems from the belief that with passion comes the capability to achieve anything. Even now, in 2024, I'm driven by this internal motivation to continually progress in my career.

2. How do you balance the demands of being a bodybuilding athlete at the world level with your role as a fitness educator and transformation expert?

For me, time holds immense significance; it's like a guiding force. Whether I'm focused on my bodybuilding journey or immersed in the lifestyle of a bodybuilder, time management is a key principle I adhere to. Utilising my expertise to positively impact people's lives, whether it's enhancing their fitness levels, appearance, or achieving specific goals, is at the core of my pursuits.

I communicate to everyone the importance of uninterrupted time. During specific periods, I prefer solitude in my room to concentrate fully on my tasks. Being a multitasker, I effortlessly juggle various responsibilities. This has been my approach from the beginning, and now, when individuals seek my guidance for consultations or training, my mind instinctively formulates comprehensive plans without the need for extensive thought or investment. It has become a routine aspect of my daily professional life

3. Could you share some insights into your approach to coaching individuals in bodybuilding, fitness, physique, and powerlifting? How is this benefitting the other masses?

Bodybuilding, whether for males or females, encompasses various disciplines like fitness, physique, and powerlifting, demanding significant dedication and discipline. When individuals approach me, they often lack awareness about the intricacies of these pursuits and are burdened with misconceptions influenced by sources like Instagram and YouTube. It's crucial to recognize that achieving success in these fields is not as straightforward as following popular online trends.

Moreover, I stress that success in bodybuilding is a journey requiring time and experience; it's not a one-day or two-day endeavour. Gaining valuable experience involves embracing the habit of facing challenges and occasional losses. Not every competition will result in a victory or a podium finish, and understanding this reality is fundamental to my approach.

Beyond physical transformations, I prioritise cultivating a resilient mindset. While energy for lifting weights is essential, aligning it with the right mindset is equally crucial. This holistic approach underscores the importance of mental fortitude alongside the physical aspects of bodybuilding

4. What strategies do you employ to promote holistic wellness and wellbeing among your clients beyond physical fitness goals?

My strategy is straightforward: I lead by example. When individuals approach me with wellness or well-being concerns, I share my own experiences openly. I acknowledge that, like everyone else, I face challenges, stress, and family or work-related issues. By sharing my personal journey and how I overcame obstacles, I provide them with relatable examples. Additionally, I draw inspiration from well-known figures who have achieved success through prioritising their holistic wellness. Through these examples, I demonstrate the tangible benefits of focusing on overall well-being. Ultimately, my approach is grounded in authenticity and leading by example. I believe in practising what I preach, which fosters trust and credibility with those I mentor

5. In your experience, what are some common misconceptions about fitness and wellness, and how do you address them in your coaching and educational endeavours?

The Indian fitness industry is rife with misconceptions, and it's crucial to address them. For instance, there's a prevalent belief among females that lifting weights will cause them to develop masculine traits. However, it's essential to understand that biological factors determine one's physical characteristics. Females naturally possess oestrogen or progesterone as their primary hormones, while males have testosterone. Therefore, weightlifting won't alter fundamental biological attributes.

Another common misconception, affecting both genders, is the fear that carbohydrates lead to weight gain and bulkiness. In reality, carbohydrates play a vital role in our diet and are not inherently fattening. In fact, they are essential for brain function, and depriving oneself of carbohydrates can lead to physical ailments and even memory loss.

Additionally, there's a mistaken belief that achieving a toned body solely requires cardio workouts. While cardio is beneficial, a comprehensive approach that includes strength training is essential for achieving desired results.

By debunking these myths and educating individuals about the true role of nutrition and exercise, we can promote a healthier and more informed approach to fitness in India.

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