We all talk of forgiveness. We talk about the importance of how we must forgive. And not only forgive, but we must also forget because if we do not forgive and forget, then we will always carry a grudge or a thorn in our heart, in our mind and in that, we will be creating so much agony and misery for ourselves. We all know there is power in forgiveness. Many religions have certain special days observed as 'Kshama Divas' or 'Forgiveness Day,' where they try to teach people that we must forgive and forget.
But is forgiveness just about letting go of the past hurt? Is it just about moving on or is it more to do with enlightenment? True forgiveness or complete forgiveness comes in that state of Enlightenment or Spiritual Awakening when we realize that we are not the different bodies that we appear to be and that we are all Divine Souls, we are the Spark Of Unique Life that comes from the Supreme Immortal Power, SIP, whom the world calls as God. Therefore, you and me appear to be different but in reality, we are just different waves that come from the same ocean. When will we realize this?
The moment we are awakened to the truth that we are not the body that will die, we are not the mind that we cannot find and we are not the ego that is a false identity but we are the Divine Sou, there will be no grudge and then, there will be no need to forgive because there will be no anger, hatred, revenge and jealousy. All this agony and anguish caused by the ego will disappear because we have realized that we all are one.
Why do we need to forgive? There is a need to forgive because there is a grudge. What is the grudge about? The grudge is between ‘me’ and ‘you’. It is caused by duality. But when is there no duality? Does the right hand have a grudge against the left hand? Does the right eye have to forgive the left eye? No, they don’t! Because they are not considered separate entities. They are a part of one body. This is the situation of non-duality.
Forgiveness is only a cause of ignorance. Ignorance that we are different beings. Therefore, we have expectations and transactions, there are hurts and there is a need to forgive. Let us eliminate the root of ignorance, the thought that we are different beings. We are all a part of the one Supreme Divine. When we realize this, the power of forgiveness becomes the power of the Supreme. Then, Spiritual healing will be beyond forgiveness. There will be divinity. We will treat each and everybody as a manifestation of the Divine. We will realize the truth that God is not God, God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power that appears in all those, who otherwise, would need our forgiveness.
Do we have to forgive God? Only an ignoramus thinks that we would have to. A truly sensible being will surrender and bow down to God. And when we realize that every being is none other than God, a manifestation of the Supreme, then we will go beyond forgiveness. And instead of forgiving, we will love one and all. There will be a deep sense of bonding, a deep sense of devotion and compassion that will replace the need to forgive. Therefore, let us work towards Enlightenment for this is the way to live.