
The Rising Number Of Hearing Aid Users In India

Anything within limits is harmony beyond limits is harmful

As a senior audiologist, super specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss, I have observed a consistent rise in ambient noise over the past 4 decades, in mega, TIER II, and TIER III cities of India. An increase in noise pollution has significant implications for public health particularly for hearing health causing permanent damage.  

Why is the noise pollution increasing?

  • Increasing population.
  • Rapid development in construction activities. As per Anarock's report, 207 skyscrapers are expected to come into Mumbai City between 2024 and 2030
  • Intense desire to make premises luxurious, resulting in screeching marble-cutting sounds.
  • Use of Digital and electronic gadgets by all age groups
  • Blasting loudspeakers
  • Traffic noise and incessant honking
  • Loud Music at Public and private gatherings
  • Industrial noises from textile machinery, forging machinery, quarries, and other sources.

These sources form a cumulative noise burden, faced daily, leading to harmful effects. Apart from increasing stress levels, mental fatigue, irritable nature, anxiety, phobias, and even depression, it also damages our hearing acumen resulting in irreversible hearing loss by damaging inner ear hair cells. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports say that noise pollution affects, both mental and physical well-being. 

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India states that the average noise level in major Indian cities exceeds the recommended safe limit of 55 dB during the daytime, often reaching levels of 85-90 dB. 

The harmful effects of loud sounds can be objectively studied from the distress and torture experienced by the dogs on exposure to firecracker sounds; the Loud sound of airbags opening during car accidents invariably causes impact fractures of the ribs, at times causing partial hearing loss; War zones, too, in the end, are found to have 15 per cent population having permanent irreversible loss, requiring the use of hearing aids.

Hearing impairment affects people of all ages. While the hearing impairment rate in newborn babies is 0.1 per cent, there is a significant increase in permanent hearing loss up to 60 per cent amongst the geriatric population above the age of 55 years. This is due to aging as well as chronic exposure to noise pollution. 

Early signs of hear loss:

  • Fatigue towards the end of the day
  • Increasing stress levels lead to irritability, anxiety, and phobias.
  • Difficulty understanding spoken language despite hearing it
  • Difficulty understanding conversations in groups
  • Need to look at the speaker’s face
  • Unawareness of something spoken from behind
  • Generation of misunderstandings with family members
  • Desire to avoid social gatherings due to feeling lost in conversations

Evaluation & diagnosis of hearing loss:

An audiogram is a graph of one's hearing thresholds at various frequencies. It measures the extent of hearing loss. It indicates whether the loss is reversible or irreversible; temporary or permanent.

Regular hearing check-ups i.e. audiograms should be promoted, especially for individuals working in high-risk environments. Followed by early use of apt hearing aids wherever indicated. The physics of 'Sound' is complex, hence the process of selection of a hearing aid suitable to an audiogram is very complex and time-consuming.  Buying them from non-professionals invariably often ends up in cupboards. Rehabilitation Council of India Act 1992 permits only audiologists to dispense hearing aids in India no other professionals.

Noise-induced hearing loss is permanent, and it is irreversible. It generally exhibits a sloping graph on an audiogram and requires digital hearing aids. It can be programmed on a computer to give a customized fitting according to the individual audiogram.


To prevent irreversible hearing loss, it is crucial to protect your ears from exposure to loud sounds. Seek the help of an Audiologist for diagnosis and do not hesitate to wear a hearing aid if necessary. Remember that hearing aid selection and fitting are specialized tasks best handled by qualified audiologists. It is essential to take care of your hearing health and seek professional audiologist help when needed.


Shaila Vora

Guest Author Senior lady practitioner in audiology

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