
The Role Of Employers In Fostering Employee Wellbeing

Alongside the physical health concerns, addressing mental health issues such as anxiety and depression has become a major area of focus and concern. The challenging public health situation, rising costs, and uncertain future have taken a toll on individuals, resulting in sleepless nights, loss of appetite, and a decline in overall well-being. Moreover, the pressure to survive in the current market leaves little time for relaxation, leading to a build-up of tension that negatively affects mental and physical health, productivity at work, and can result in increased medical expenses.

Corporate wellness programs and employee engagement

To tackle these challenges, implementing corporate wellness programs has become essential. These programs aim to create a healthier work environment by incorporating wellness activities into employees' daily lives. By taking a holistic approach, organizations can cultivate a better work culture and promote employees' well-being through various health-centered activities.

Effective Stress Management

One effective way to calm the mind and combat the stresses of corporate life is through the practice of yoga and meditation. Many professionals and entrepreneurs become so absorbed in their work that they neglect to unwind and decompress, leading to stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions. Meditation serves as the ultimate solution by helping individuals understand that while they may not be able to change external circumstances, they can change their responses to them. Regularly practicing meditation techniques such as Sthiti Dhyan, Aarambh Dhyan, Darpan Dhyan, and Swaas Dhyan can promote focus and inner calm.

Regulating Emotions

Incorporating pranayama, or breathing exercises, into daily routines also contributes to improved physical and mental health. Pranayama enhances patience, cognitive function, and listening abilities. Techniques like Anulom Vilom, Kapal Bhati, Bhastrika, and Brahmari pranayama serve as mood stabilizers, increase creativity and energy levels, and maintain high stamina throughout the day. Moreover, pranayama helps clear the mind, leading to better decision-making.

Benefits of Yoga for Corporates

With its numerous benefits, yoga plays a vital role in overall well-being. At the end of a yoga asana practice, individuals often experience a sense of mental calmness as the logical brain quiets the emotional function. Regular and consistent yoga practice helps create new neural pathways in the brain, allowing individuals to break old patterns and gain greater control over their lives and thoughts. Pranayama aids in effective breathing, counteracting rapid and shallow breathing caused by stress and tension. Yoga enables the full utilization of lung capacity and offers specific pranayama techniques like Brahmari, Nadi Shodhana, and Ujjayi breath, which can reduce stress and promote relaxation. Meditation is a powerful tool for calming and slowing down the mind, and various forms of breath awareness can be used for this purpose. Yoga also facilitates the release of emotional energy, particularly through asanas that target the hips and shoulders where emotional tension is commonly stored. The benefits of practicing yoga include increased confidence, improved self-worth, higher productivity, effective decision-making, and overall improved health.

Asanas, pranayama, and meditation are interconnected aspects of yoga that should be practiced in combination. By incorporating these practices into your lifestyle, you can enhance your physical health, balance your energies, and cultivate overall wellness and positivity.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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