
Uncovering The Wealth Of Wellness, A Step By Step Guide

Let's take a closer look at this, shall we? We are the generation who wants to change the world. We are the people who want to create greatness out of nothing. We are trying to pull off the next, albeit smaller, but equally impossible BIG BANG! 

But what is it that we are trying to create? My team and I are fighting the biggest epidemic known to mankind. It's this faceless, intangible “thing” we call STRESS. 

Can't sleep? It's STRESS

Can't eat? It's STRESS

Can't work? It's STRESS

Can't travel? It's STRESS

Annoying itch? It's STRESS


Stress has become the favourite word for healthcare providers. And almost like a one problem fits all kind of a situation.

Simply put, STRESS is the feeling of tension. It’s the condition of flight, fright or fight for the body. In choice amounts, STRESS is good. It acts as a motivator to finish something. Like a deadline!

It’s the long-term stress that causes the problem. For instance, what will happen if you leave your brand-new laptop on charge all day long? And then some? 

Yes, while you smell your laptop’s battery burning, you realise, this is what the constant flight, fright or fight mode does to your body. IT BURNS YOU OUT. 

Today’s workforce is trying to pull off the next big thing. And while battling Stress; Anxiety; Depressions; Fatigue; Migraine; Exhaustion; Back Pain etc. it has successfully forgotten that the real wealth, lies in their wellness.

The multi-dimensional term "wellness" has more influence on our lives than we can possibly imagine. It not only includes the 'physical and mental wellness' but also, financial, intellectual, environmental, and social wellness. All of these sub-sections are closely interrelated to each other. 

Research shows that while calculating health risks for employees, 7 out of 10 categories, which included blood pressure, sugar levels, depression, smoking, body weight indexes, and sedentary lifestyles were checked “yes” on a significantly high number of employees. This leads to absenteeism with the workforce which leads to reduced work hours, lesser productivity and other allied problems which ultimately through the domino effect, will affect everything from profits to turnover. 

Statistically speaking, studies show that healthy employees are 12% more productive. They also show that healthy work environments reduce healthcare costs and insurance covers for companies. Not to forget the enthusiasm that health brings to the table, the reduction in sick pay costs and less pressure on peers to make up for the absenteeism of the unwell colleagues. 

The Wellness industry in itself is set to be the next trillion-dollar industry in the world. With corporate wellness becoming a big sector in the fitness industry, the emphasis lies on wellness, not just fitness. HAPPY EMPLOYEES = PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYEES!

The world is finally waking up to the power of the singular solution to wellness, which is Yoga. The physical benefits coupled with the mental benefits of mindfulness are staggeringly high! As a business leader, I have encouraged wellness in all my team members. We are the workforce that is trying to create the next big thing. But I have always been a true believer in work-life harmony. It's imperative that we take care of ourselves to be able to take care of our members. And in turn to make them able to fight their everyday stress to hence become productive employees, present parents, empathetic partners, basically anything they aim to be! 

We’re like the treasure hunters who lead the way for them to find their wealth of wellness! The wealth of wellness isn’t limited to you, it is contagious and it spreads across our entire ecosystem! So, don’t stress, Yoga has everything covered! You just need to start.


Sarvesh Shashi

Guest Author Sarvesh Shashi is the brain behind SARVA, a wellness ecosystem built on the authentic foundations of yoga. Having seen the benefits of yoga and mindfulness first hand at an early age, Sarvesh wanted to help others in their quest for a healthier lifestyle. He started SARVA in 2013 at the young age of 21 to connect seven billion breaths.

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