
Articles for Mind

Jewish religion states God is formless

If Jesus had been born in India, nobody would have thought about him that he was a revolutionary. People would have allowed, because there is no question - who is there to allow or not to allow? it is everybody's own choice.

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Meditation and Medicine both come from the same root

The word " Meditation" and " Medicine" come from the same root. Medicine means that which heals the physical and meditation means that which heals the spiritual. Both are healing powers.Another thing to be remembered : the world " Healing" and the word " Whole" also come from the same root. To be healed simply means to be whole, not missing anything. Another connotation of the word - the word "Holy" also comes from the same root. Healing, whole, holy are not different in their root.Meditation heals, makes you whole: and to be whole is to be holy. Holiness has nothing to do with belongings to any religion, belonging to any church. It simply means that inside you, you entire complete; nothing is missing, you are fulfilled. You are what existence wanted you to be. You have realised your potential.Go on doing Meditation! You will get  over it- and the reasons are obvious. There are two of Dynamic Meditation. First, it is a vigorous exercise and your body has to get attuned to it. So for three or four days you will feel that the whole body is aching with any new exercise it will happen. But after four days you will get over it and your body will feel stronger than ever.But this is not very basic. The basic thing is goes deeper; it is what modern psychologist have come to know. You body is not simply physical. In your body, in your muscles, in the structure of your body many other things have entered through suppression. If you suppress anger, the poison goes into the body. It goes into the muscles, it gets into the blood. If you suppress anything, it is not only a mental thing, it is also physical one - because you are not really divided. You are not body and mind; You are " Body Mind" - Psychosomatic. You are both together. So whatever is done with your body reaches the mind and whatever is done with the mind reaches the body, as body and mind are two ends of the same entity.

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“A good book is the precious life -blood of a master spirit” - John Milton

As a teenager at that time, I was unable to understand or appreciate the deeper meaning of these words. Around the same time, he taught me calligraphy. Now that the deeper meaning of this quotation has dawned upon me with my involvement in spirituality and books over the ensuring decades, I have tried to present this quotation in my calligraphy here.

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A growth mindset leads to optimistic ways of explaining adversity

A fixed mindset about ability leads to pessimistic explanations of adversity, and that, in turn, leads to both giving up on challenges and avoiding  them in the first place. In contrast, a growth mindset leads to optimistic ways of explaining adversity, and that, in turn, leads to perseverance and seeking out new challenges that will ultimately make you ever stronger.Growth Mindset --------- Optimistic Self Talk ---------- Perseverance over adversity For teaching yourself hope is to take each step in the sequence above and ask, What can I do to boost this one?The first suggestion in that regards is to update your beliefs about intelligence and talent.When Carol and her collaborators try to to convince people that intelligence, or any other talent, can improve with effort, she starts by explaining the brain. For instance, she recounts a study published in the top scientific journal Nature that tracked adolescent brain development. Many of the adolescents in this study increased their  I Q scores from age fourteen, when the study started , to age eighteen, when it concluded. This fact - that IQ scores are not entirely fixed  over a person's life span - usually comes as a surprise. What's more, Carol continues, these same adolescents showed sizeable changes in brain structure; "Those who got better at math skills strengthened the areas of brain related to math, and the same was true for English skills."Carol also explains that the brain is remarkably adaptive, like a muscle that gets stronger with use, the brain changes itself when you struggle to master a new challenge. In fact, there's never a time in life  when the brain is completely " fixed", Instead , all our lives our neurone retain the potential to grow new connections with one another and to strengthen  the ones we already have. What's more throughout adulthood, we maintain the ability to grow myelin, a sort of insulating sheath that protects neurone and speeds signals traveling between them.The link between cognitive behaviroul therapy and learned helplessness led to the development of resilience training." In essence, this interactive curriculum is a preventive dose of cognitive behaviroul therapy. In one study  children wo complete this training showed lower levels of pessimism and developed fewer symptoms of depression over the next two years. In a similar study, pessimistic college students demonstrated less anxiety over the subsequent two years and less depression over three years. 

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Creation and Evolution are opposite to each other

If you are created, it cannot have freedom. Have you seen any machine having freedom, anything having freedom? anything that is created is in the hand of the creator, just like a puppet. He has the strings in his hands, he pulls one string..... you must have seen a puppet show.

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You have the potentiality to create God

H G Wells, has written that Gautam Buddha was the most Godless man and the most God like. What happened to this Gautam? He created, he gave birth to the highest peak, the highest possibility. The ultimate had happened in him; than he was no longer creating anything

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Money does not buy  happiness

As Ricard Layard, of the London school of Economics, states: " We have more food, more clothes, more cars, bigger houses, more central heating, more foreign holidays, a shorter working week, nice work and above all, better health. Yet we are not happier.....If we want people to be happier, we really h ave to know what conditions generate happiness and how cultivate them."

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Contributing to the Wellness of All

One of the research findings of Harvard University tells that a good relationship with family and friends gives us good health and a longer life. As such our thoughts and beliefs have a lot to do with our wellness. Happy positive thoughts create an inner atmosphere of growth, while an unhappy state of mind creates inner resistance and stress leading to loss of health.

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