
A roundup of 2019 of how millennials adopted spirituality

Millennials were very positive about adopting spirituality, and making it as part of their lives. As a generation, millennials exhibit every sign of being open and accepting of all religions. They are liberal-minded with their world view, and reject rigid ways of thinking. The younger generation are a curious lot, and are open to discussions on multiple faiths. Their sense of wonder makes them receive all their learning in a filtered way. Wise beyond their years, the younger generation is well-read, and prioritise knowledge and information. They are not stuck in the past, neither are they filled with anxiousness thinking about the future. Instead, they are pouring all their energies, and awareness into the present. And, this is what spirituality teaches. The ultimate outcome of any spiritual energy or pursuit must be to remain fully engaged and engrossed in the present moment. 

Millennials are very strong with the understanding of the universe because they are surrounded by information. The internet through its various platforms holds a limitless supply of content about practically anything under the sun, including the sun. With uninhibited access to this information, they have a wide window through which they can view the world. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Hubble telescope etc. are constantly receiving and recording information through satellites and beaming it into our devices. With this, they are able to understand the value of life on earth, and at the same time be able to see the vastness of the Universe, and keep a tab on Earth’s planetary neighbours. 

Armed with this awareness, millennials are almost impossible to fool. There is no scope of blind faith with them as everything is clear. They are ready to delve into research, and do not mindlessly agree to any information. Brave and adventurous, this particular generation is ready to travel to, and occupy other planets without fear. They have the understanding of spirituality which talks about the immortal soul. They believe that the energy contained within the body never dies and will go on forever. With this formula firmly injected into their consciousness, they are enthusiastic and optimistic. In this way, they are evolving in their practices. Therefore, it is not surprising to observe the gusto with which millennials have adopted yoga and spirituality. They need strong reasons in order to do something, but have embraced yogic practices knowing its importance. The global phenomenon of yoga and spirituality, and the burgeoning number of practitioners is evident from social media. The millennials are not afraid to ask their questions, and they have many. In spirituality, their curious minds unflinchingly probe and explore into the many aspects of spirituality. Customs, and traditions are followed with a logical reverence after the understanding has been gleaned. For example, if they are offering flowers to some deity, they have a clear understanding of why they are doing this. Without this clarity, they are not satisfied, and will continue their investigation out of a good-natured inquisitiveness. In this manner, the millennials have taken to yoga and spirituality as a duck takes to water. 


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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