
Aligning With Your True Self: A Guide To Spiritual Happiness

‘Who am I and why am I here?’ This fundamental question holds the key to the ultimate happpiness - spiritual happpiness

I have spelt happpiness with 3 Ps as you can see. It is not an error but a deliberate redefining and spell check of the word happpiness to help us understand what true happpiness is. And unless we realise our true self, unless we align with our true self, we cannot really be happpy.

Going back to ‘Who am I and why am I here?’ — this is the single most important question that we must find an answer to. Who are we? Why are we here? What is the purpose of human life? We think we are what we appear to be — the body, mind and ego. But neither are we the body that experiences pain, nor the mind that makes us miserable with fear, worry, stress, anxiety, regret, shame and guilt, nor the ego that agonises us with anger, hate, revenge, jealousy, pride, greed and selfishness. We are the soul - a spark of unique life, a part of the supreme immortal power we call God. The realization of this truth liberates us from all suffering and misery as we live and it frees us from the karmic cycle of death and rebirth when the body dies. Realising this truth is the purpose of life.

Unfortunately, we live in ignorance. We think we are what we see in the mirror — the body, mind and ego. Our ignorance extends to our inability to understand what happpiness actually is. We confuse pleasure with happpiness. Pleasure comes from material things, from success and achievement. Pleasure comes and goes. It is ephemeral. That’s why most of us remain miserable. We go running after things that don’t matter and our joy is fleeting. But true happpiness or spiritual happpiness forever flows.

Spiritual happpiness has 3 Ps — the first P is for Pleasure; the second P is for Peace and the third P is for Purpose. So, true happpiness is much more than worldly joy. It is about evolving from pleasure to peace. When we still the mind, peace we find. Peace comes from living with contentment and fulfillment. Peace is the foundation of happpiness.

But to find everlasting bliss, we have to go beyond. It is only when we discover who we are and realise the purpose of life that we can be truly happpy. When we realize the truth about who we are, we also realize that this world is only a drama, a show. We are actors who come and go. What unfolds in life, whether joy or trauma is because of karma. We realize that death is not the end but a bend to transcend. If we realise the truth, we attain moksha. If we continue to live in ignorance, we are reborn.

Therefore, realising our true self leads us to spiritual happpiness, which is a state of eternal peace, divine love and everlasting bliss. When we live in consciousness of the truth, we are in a state of SatChitAnanda - a state of divine seamless bliss that is beyond words and not experienced by a common person. If we continue to live as the body, mind and ego, which we are not, with desires and negative toxic thoughts, we will continue to live in a cycle of pleasure and pain, loss and gain, sun and rain, again and again. The choice is ours — true spiritual happpiness or mere pleasure.


AiR Atman in Ravi...

Guest Author Spiritual Leader and founder of AiR Institute of Realization and AiR Center of Enlightenment

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