Discovering Oneself Through Creative Therapy

A recent panel discussion highlighted the universal language of art and how art can help communicate without any language

Creative expression as a therapeutic tool has gained momentum in recent years, offering individuals a unique pathway to delve deeper into their subconscious, explore various facets of themselves, and ultimately foster a greater sense of self-awareness and acceptance, leading to holistic well-being.

The transformative journey: From melancholy to joy

Bijay J. Anand, Founder of Anahata Retreats, believes that the intersection of art and well-being is profound. He shares examples to illustrate this connection, one of which involves a friend who used to create melancholic paintings. Anand's guidance led his friend to produce more positive and cheerful artwork, reflecting a shift in emotional well-being. “Since now I am making happy paintings, I am now a happier person,” the friend expressed, highlighting the transformative power of creative expression.

Anand himself experienced a profound change through his journey in acting and spirituality. “When I started acting, I was famous for my anger. But later, I adopted yoga and other spiritual practices which changed me internally,” he reflects. That is how his identity changed his art.

Art as an identity: An internal shift

Actor, director and author, Samir Soni shared a similar sentiment, recounting how he discovered acting at a young age while grappling with introversion. “Art is a medium of communication,” he emphasised and also said that, “You are saying something, but through that, you are also putting a part of your soul in it.”

Music's healing touch

Singer, composer and live performer Shibani Kashyap emphasised on the transformative power of music, describing it as a “higher than any other form of wisdom itself.” She believes that music has the ability to transcend individual experiences and connect people on a deeper level.

The Universal language of art

Multi-disciplinary visual artist and designer, Harun Robert, popularly known as Rob, highlighted the universal language of art. “Art can help you communicate without any language. You can communicate with just a stroke of colour,” he mentioned.

Art as self-discovery

For Santanu Hazarika, Art Maverick and visual artist, art serves as a channel for self-discovery and expression. “Art came at a perfect time where I could use my angst to identify. My identity with art is always changing and depends on how people perceive me at that point in time,” he explained.

Dance as a form of spiritual expression

Zia Nath, Sacred Dance Exponent, Realms of Dance, brought a spiritual dimension to the discussion, exploring the confluence of sacred dances from diverse cultures by saying that “I cannot separate my dance and spiritual path anymore.” This statement echoed the sentiments of unity and transcendence found in ancient traditions.

In the symphony of self-discovery, these individuals find harmony through creative expression, each contributing to a deeper understanding of identity, spirituality, and well-being. As they explore the realms of art, music, and dance, they discover profound truths about themselves and the world around them, ultimately finding solace, peace, and unity in the language of creativity.


Sheikh Rishad

BW Reporters The author is a Trainee Correspondent with BW Businessworld

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