
Improving Your Spiritual Health May Not Cure An Illness But It May Help You Feel Better

Spirituality is a powerful mechanism that can have a deep and lasting impact on your life. This is because spiritual practices can influence and change the way that you think which in turn allows you to change or alter your reality. In this manner, spirituality if done in a committed and dedicated way does have the power to bring healing to your life. 

Power of thought

Take for example if an individual who is sick continues to brood over his illness and stay in a negative mindset then this will certainly influence his recovery process. Spirituality works on your energetic system; it has the tools to manipulate your inner world. Spirituality can change your frequency and your vibration. And when you successfully begin to raise your consciousness by enhancing your frequency and vibration then it will automatically also change your reality bringing you whatever that you wish to achieve. This includes healing for your mind, body, and soul thus improving your existing reality. Spirituality has the same effect on you as it does when you hear about anything that is extremely beneficial for you. This means that spirituality acts like a messenger that brings good news to you. Imagine a situation where you were relayed information that made you feel happy and excited even without actual proof of this. Even hearing this news would still cause your energy levels to rise. In this exact same way spirituality can raise your frequency vibration and energy bringing you to an elevated state of mind that consists of bliss, joy, and happiness. 

Be committed to your growth

First and foremost you must have unshakable faith in your own abilities. You can take your time to begin something but once you have started put in your sincere efforts through dedication and commitment. Believe in yourself and in your capabilities to achieve success in anything that you undertake. Once you attain a certain level of confidence then go all in and put your entire heart and soul into it. 

Places contain energy 

Choose the direction that you want to take in life because every choice leads to a different path and a journey that is unique to that decision. For example as you head towards the North, you will find a different terrain, plant life, animal life and even a culture that is unique to that territory. Similarly when you had towards the South, East, or West you will accordingly find geographical differences that are specific to those areas. This only goes to show that places carry energy and different places have different energy centres depending on where you are going. It is for this reason that it is recommended to travel to spiritual spots because these will be heavy with positive energy. Visiting spiritual destinations or religious spots that you can find resonance with will help not only with your health but also with your own spiritual development. 

Pay attention to your physical health

The body, and mind are connected and the two are not separate entities. Spiritual practices allow you to bring holistic wellness by benefiting the body as well as the mind. When you take care of your physical body then it also becomes easy to perform a physical manifestation for anything that your heart desires. When you are of sound body then manifesting the reality of your choice becomes far more easier. With the help of meditation techniques and other such mindful practices you can build yourself and become capable of achieving more powerful things.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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