
Knowing Employee Mental Wellness At Workplace Closely

Risks to mental health at work, also known as psychosocial risks, can be related to job content or schedule, specific workplace characteristics, or opportunities for career development, among other things. Therefore, nowadays many organisations are practicing measures regarding employee mental wellness. To talk about this, BW Businessworld interacted with Pratixha Narkar, Vice President - HR, Aranca. Excerpts;

Mental wellbeing is of utmost importance nowadays, how do workplaces look into it? 

It is essential for companies to create awareness and acceptance among employees on the importance of mental well-being and not to sweep it under the carpet. Jobs can result in stress, anxiety, and depression, and if not checked on time, these can lead to bigger issues impacting individual productivity. Therefore, companies should provide employees avenues to deal with mental issues, ask for help, and get support in a safe and secure environment. 

Do you think workloads, deadlines, and competition are mostly leading to the deteriorating mental health of employees? 

Unfortunately, workloads and deadlines are a part and parcel of every job profile, especially in the service industry. In addition, peer pressure, social media pressure, and general competitiveness add to the stress of individuals. All this can negatively affect the mental health and well-being of employees. 

How does employees' mental wellbeing affect the organisation? 

For employees to be present and perform competently, they must be mentally at peace. Employees’ mental well-being directly affects their ability to work to the best of their capabilities. Sound mental health enhances a person’s ability to carry out tasks efficiently and have innovative thinking. In a knowledge-based company, such as Aranca, this is critical. The employees work under pressure and need to give their 100 per cent mentally. 

In other industries such manufacturing or construction, which require heavy machinery and equipment, an undetected mental concern can be hazardous. A person working in these industries without the complete presence of mind may cause damage to life and property.  

Are awareness programs on mental health significant in companies? 

Yes, definitely! These programs provide opportunities to employees to recognise at an early stage that they may have a mental issue, which can help them in getting timely treatment. This may prevent further complications and the resulting impact on personal and professional lives.

What mental health initiatives should employers take for their employees' and company's benefit? 

The first and foremost initiative that every company should undertake is to create a safe and secure working environment for employees. The company culture should eliminate negativity, hostility, or office politics among employees. A cheerful work environment and positive work culture will ensure mentally happy employees. 

Having an employee assistance program (EAP) service will also help, which employees can use when needed, in creating a safety net. It will also help in conducting regular webinars/seminars and sending out communications regarding mental health issues. 

Companies can also invest in activities that help reduce stress such as yoga, meditation, or sound therapies. Moreover, art-based sessions (e.g., painting) can be organised, which give employees a break and help them relax. These activities also enhance the work–life balance.

Do you think it's possible in the corporate sector to allot leaves/holidays for mental health? 

While it has not yet been done on a wide scale, it is a possibility. In fact, there are a few companies that have assigned leaves of 1–2 days per year dedicated to mental well-being. However, this depends on a company’s philosophy and commitment toward the cause. 

How does Aranca takes care of its employee wellness? 

At Aranca, we try to ensure that we have a happy and safe work environment. Our company culture encourages employees to speak up and share their opinions and feedback periodically to address any issue troubling them – personal and professional. This is done through offline discussions with managers as well as online surveys. 

We have also collaborated with an outside agency to provide EAP services. Any employee can reach out for professional help for mental health via anonymous mails or calls. All discussions are kept confidential unless there is an extreme diagnosis that may lead to a dangerous situation. We also ensure that our engagement calendar has programs that focus on mental and physical well-being, such as sports, meditation and yoga sessions, and art and sound therapies. 

If an employee reaches out to HR regarding a mental health concern, immediate counselling is provided either internally or externally. The employee’s manager is made aware of the situation and sensitised on how to manage it. The employee is observed continuously, and if required, is advised to take leaves or sabbaticals to recuperate and come back stronger.

What suggestions do you have regarding policies employers should have for their women employees against harassment as it also affects their mental health? 

We have a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of sexual harassment in our company. This includes creating a hostile environment for any employee. If any person is found guilty of such an offence, they are terminated immediately. All courses of investigations and protocols are followed to ensure that there is no bias and the outcome is fair. 

Can every company collaborate with mental care associations to provide immediate help to their employees? 

There are many organisations providing EAP services, and every company must partner with the most suitable one. This is the first level where an employee can reach out to understand their mental situation, how it is affecting their health, and possibly get advice on next steps. Moreover, several insurance companies now consider negative mental health as an illness and cover it under Mediclaim. This financial aid also encourages people to reach out for help.


Sneha Patro

BW Reporters The author is a Trainee Journalist with BW Businessworld

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