
Measuring A Journey Without Goal: Meditation And Spirituality

We should always have goals because they give us a sense of purpose. Our potential is wasted in the absence of goals, which give us a feeling of purpose.

Highly talented people frequently lack a life purpose, which prevents them from utilising their natural talents. Half of our life will be spent working toward our goals when we have them. The other half will be spent relishing the self-discipline we have developed. Without a goal, we will attract negative energies and put you in uncomfortable situations. In difficult situations, a steady and stable mind is more likely to overcome any challenge successfully. 

Goals and positivity

By encouraging those around them to overcome any barriers or hurdles in the way, goal-oriented people also become agents of positive and significant change. You won't need to worry about anything becoming bad if you have a strategy, a goal, or a purpose. Stay focused and upbeat. To avoid blunders, carefully consider your plan before moving forward. You must cultivate the kind of focus that can pave the way in front of you. A motivational example is lighting a flame in a mirror. You can start a fire with a concave mirror on an extremely sunny day. Like the concave mirror, have a focal point. In order to ignite a fire, all of the sun's rays must collide at the focal point and then reflect off of the leaves or paper. Like this mirror, you must also improve your ability to focus on your objectives.

The journey of spirituality

Travelling down this path is both the objective and its reward because spirituality is also a very individualised experience. Spirituality can be found while one searches for God.

The pursuit of spirituality is the route to enlightenment, and even samadhi is only the beginning of the journey. Then, enlightenment will mark the start of another spiritual journey. Similar to how air is continually moving and never stays in one place, spirituality is also in perpetual movement. The air that is currently surrounding you has altered, and so on. 

One way to support a person's mental wellbeing is through spirituality. Spirituality may be a perspective or a way of looking at things because it teaches you to be alert, in the moment, and optimistic. A road that has no beginning and no conclusion, spirituality is constantly evolving. People who travel this path start to recognise the parallels between spirituality and God since it is boundless. The parallel is that God is limitless, much like spirituality. He possesses numerous distinct Avatars, not just one, and they all change at random. God is the ultimate destination for all who follow this spiritual path. Because He will appear in the way that the seeker imagines Him to.

It is a journey of knowledge

The lessons life has to teach can only be useful to those who wish to learn from it. They are not appropriate for those who would rather live their life in ignorance and without knowing the difference between right and wrong. Such a person will never learn any lessons in life. It is imperative to start with learning how to be a good student because of this. A person is said to be a student of life if they can attentively observe, bear witness to, grasp, and learn from the experiences of life. He or she gains knowledge of the positive and negative through this process of observation.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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