
Meditation For Your Inner Peace

Our physical body requires certain nutritious food vitamin and minerals in order for it to function smoothly. Similarly the mind also requires its share of care in the form of holistic practices like meditation. The mind and body are interconnected and it is impossible to look after one and not the other and expect to be healthy. To enjoy and experience overall well being and bliss we must employee techniques that exercise both the brain as well as the body and reap the enormous benefits of yoga and mindful techniques.

Meditation for balance and bliss

We all face challenges in this life because it is only through these challenges that we can learn lessons and make a lives more enriching. And in order for us to be able to recognise these challenges as learning opportunities we must first be of a balanced state of mind. Meditation is a very useful practice that brings emotional balance and regulation of your nerve system which helps you to pause and react to situations from a more balanced perspective. When we are able to apply this mindfulness process into everything that we do we will soon be able to experience a status constant bliss and harmony. 

Meditation for inner peace 

When we look around at our kitchen we will find cupboards that are full of ingredients and shelves full of products that help us to prepare our meals. Without these ingredients the taste will be incomplete and the food will either taste bland or be imbalanced. Not only do we need the right ingredients for the appropriate meals, but we also need to know the measurement that will properly give the food its taste, aroma, and nutrition. Similarly if you want to make this life a joyous experience we need certain ingredients such as happiness, bliss, contentment, balance, and discipline. Without the right practices we will not be able to achieve these wonderful qualities that can help us to enjoy the beauty of this life. Practices like yoga meditation, mindfulness, and other spiritual techniques can bring emotional balance helping you to enhance the mind body connection which will ultimately lead to inner union.

Start your practise today

If you want to understand this subject of meditation, then you need to start your practise as early as possible. Meditation helps you enter into a specific state of mind and being that can be called transcendental. This can be done with the help of techniques like Prakat Jyothi Dhyan, Tratak Dhyan which is done using a flame for observation, Super Power Meditation, Arambh Dhyan or Bheej Dhyan etc. Most technqies for beginners will require you to observe your inhalation, breath retention and exhalation. This brings a quality of calmness to the mind. This calmness within you which can be called a pause is what will help you to come to a stop before reacting impulsively.

Try and practice any or all of these meditation techniques for 5 to 10 minutes every day initially. With practice, you can slowly try to increase the duration of your meditation. Each meditation technique can be done in any seated pose that find comfortable.

Meditation for growth

We live in a world that never stops, and we are always in a state of rush. There is nothing in the universe that stops. Everything including time is always in motion right along with us. Through yoga and meditation or spiritual practices like these, you can help yourself and enable stability. This is what will assist you in tiding over any problematic situations and build yourself up.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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