
Source Of Abundance

We often pray and ask for many different things, but there is no end to the things we want. For instance, we pray to acquire a car. We will keep making requests for our wish to be granted so long as it has yet to be given.

We pray for something else as soon as we finally get the car of our dreams. We still have the desire for something bigger and better. We started out wanting cars, but now we also want to fly in our plane. Then, we would require two or more planes. Even after conquering the entire world, it may seem insufficient to satiate our appetite.

One's frame of mind needs to evolve to comprehend the fullness of life.

As our knowledge of the cosmos and wisdom increase, we uncover the incredible mystery of the Himalayas, known as Hiranya Garbh, which translates to "the Source of Abundance." Since the beginning of time, this heavenly place has been responsible for producing everything that can be found. At the same time, it has maintained its sense of steadiness, contentment, and completeness.

There are many names for Hiranya Garbh, and people of various spiritual faiths and religious beliefs have very different understandings of what this place is. One could even refer to the location as God, or they could altogether reject the idea that it even exists.

But one thing that can't be disputed is that everything we have and continue to obtain is the result of discovery, not invention. What originates from the Source of Abundance is discovered by scientists. Every object has origins in some place, but scientists don't claim credit for creating something new. They prefer to say that they came across or discovered it. They say that everything in the universe has existed in one form since the beginning of time but that the form it has taken has changed. According to the principle known as the law of conservation of energy, "Energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only transform from one form to another."

Because the Source of Abundance can provide infinite opportunities, we must understand it, cultivate our awareness, and work toward getting closer to it to experience actual completion, peace, and contentment in our lives. Accomplishing this requires a lot of effort and sacrifice.

As we progress in our spiritual practices, we get closer and closer to the divine source of all that is present.

If you walk to a location thousands of kilometres away, it could take days to get there. On the other hand, if you hop on a place, you can arrive at your destination in a matter of hours rather than days.

Similarly, if you correctly carry out the spiritual practises given to you, Hiranya Garbha will be close to you. You'll be able to understand the real meaning of contentment and realise the purpose of your life.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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