
Spirituality And Stress Reduction

Think of an ocean. There is so much roaring of the sea. But deep within below the surface of the waves, there's pin-drop silence. So, in this world, there is trauma because this drama that is unfolding as per Karma is not understood. We do not realise, what life is all about. We do not take to Spirituality because we believe that life is a trauma, it is chaos.

If only we realized the truth about life, we can end this chaos. To end this chaos, we have to find ways of Peace and Tranquillity. We have to find a way on how to still the storm. Yes, on the outside there is a storm and on the inside, there is calm. So, as long as you are living in the outside world, the material world, there will be noise but on the inside, there is the Divine voice. On the outside, there will be anxieties and on the inside, there will be tranquillity. On the outside, there will be stress and on the inside, there will be happiness. The challenge is – ‘How to go within? How to find tranquillity in the midst of chaos?’

So how can we find tranquillity amidst chaos? How can we reduce stress? The answer is through Spirituality. Spirituality is the way to reduce stress, to move from mind to Consciousness and reach a state of Thoughtlessness, Mindfulness or Awareness. And in this state of Consciousness, the activation of the intellect leads to the discrimination of thoughts and this discrimination stops the Monkey Mind from jumping from thought to thought in which, we are caught and due to which we are bombarded with all negative thoughts that lead to a state of negativity, anxiety, commotion, confusion, inner chaos and ultimately, stress. Who doesn't experience fear, worry, stress and anxiety? Who doesn't get into a depression with regret, shame and guilt? We all do but then, there is a way out of all this - Spirituality.

Spirituality is discovering the Divine Spirit within the Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life. It is transcending the body, mind and ego. Spirituality is being free from the senses that crave and the mind and the ego that make us miserable, till we reach our grave. If you want peace, you must remember that peace is within. Peace, you don't have to find, you must just still the mind. Spirituality is realizing that mind does not exist - the mind is one that you cannot find and still, it makes us blind and peace is left behind.

When will we wake up to that state of Divinity, that state of Spirituality? When we embrace Spirituality, there will be no stress reduction, rather, there will be stress abolition. Stress reduction means that there will still be some amount of stress in life but with Spirituality, you will reach a state, where stress would be a dream of the past, for you will live with peace and tranquillity even if there is utter chaos, all around you. You will enjoy the drama of life because you will enjoy the Karma as it unfolds and therefore, life will be like a movie. You will enjoy the show, realizing that we are actors, who come and go. All this is possible if we go deep within in the journey of Spirituality, for Spirituality and Tranquillity go hand-in-hand. If you exit Spirituality, you enter anxiety. But once you enter the domain of Spirituality, you enter the domain of experiencing Peace, Bliss, Happiness, Contentment, Fulfilment and Calmness and exit the domain of experiencing stress, anxiety, worry, fear, commotion, confusion, depression and chaos.


AiR Atman in Ravi

Guest Author Spiritual Leader and Founder of AiR Institute of Realization and AiR Center of Enlightenment

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