
The Spiritual Side Of Summer

Summer offers a great change of pace. Thus comes an opportunity to start or to renew important habits that contribute to our spiritual growth. Changing habits can also inspire new lives in our spiritual lives at different times of the year.

1. Relax

Just Remember, rest is always a spiritual discipline and an act of faith. Being busy shows that we are confident in our own trust in God. Summer is usually the time to look for a break and to rest for days on end. And it can be a tool for spiritual growth.

Removing the strings from technology can be a discipline that should be followed in the summer as well. Rest helps us to start anew physically and spiritually.

2. Read

I would like to take a look at the 5-10 week Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta course which will challenge me in the area where I should grow. It may be that your temple or small group is doing a study of some kind you can connect with. Also, if you currently do not have the habit of learning and dedicating Bhagwat Geeta, summer can be a good time to start.

3. Access

Summer also offers great opportunities for missions locally, socially and internationally. Getting out of our comfort zone helps us to grow spiritually as we go beyond our ability to rely on God. Look for opportunities to volunteer for a temple, or a local ministry, or simply walk out into the yard and meet new neighbors.

4. Remain Honest

Summer is often a time when it can be easy to give up practices such as temple attendance and giving. These are not essential for salvation, but they are essential for life and spiritual growth. The plans may be unusual for summer trips, family outings from out of town, etc., but we are committed to staying faithful in our temples through visits and donations.

Being honest makes a difference for you, your family, and others so that you are committed to a local group of believers.


Shiv Rajvanshi

Guest Author Entrepreneur, Spiritual Practitioner, Guinness World Record Holder, Brand Strategist and Strategic Consultant

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