
Why Meditation Is The Answer To All Human Troubles

Ever wondered why everyone from the oldest grandma to the snazziest teenager turns to meditation to calm themselves down? Why is it that meditation is touted as the answer to all human adversity? It’s because since times immemorial, meditation was the simplest method of healing available to humankind – just shut your mind and your body will heal.

In 2022, however, meditation has met technology, and its impact has improved manifold! After all, technology has revolutionised the way we think and lead our life. And when technology combines with meditation based on Vedic wisdom, the results can be astounding. This is most evident in the success and widespread adoption of the Sadhana App.

The brainchild of Om Swami, who describes himself as an ‘unconventional monk, author and entrepreneur,’ and the CEO of Vedic Sadhana Foundation, Priyanka Anand, the Sadhana App is making waves in the service of humanity. Sadhana app was built over two years by a world-class international team, led by Om Swami and Priyanka Anand at a cost exceeding INR 10 crores, all funded by Swami’s personal philanthropic endeavours.

Launched in March 2022, the Sadhana App has already touched the lives of over three lakh people throughout the world. This is testament to the fact that ancient wisdom has resonance even today. The app is a foundational guide to learning mantras and rituals linked to Vedic practices. These rituals are immersive, interactive and set in 3D for an enhanced reality experience.

“The Sadhana team is on a lofty mission to revive the Vedas by providing an inner anchor or strength, ways of surviving mechanisms and providing them with pillars of hope and faith to its users. The app helps in building up an unshakeable foundation by being involved in the practice of Sadhana, which is a discipline in itself, and an inward part of transforming oneself to experience immense peace and bliss within the human mind and soul. Countless explorers throughout the world are unaware of the power of Vedic wisdom and therefore are eager to find ways to explore this knowledge. They need proper guidance from a reliable source for starting Vedic worship correctly. Our app helps in bridging this knowledge gap, acting as a Vedic hub for spiritual seekers,” says Anand.

She goes on to say that the app helps seekers by being a powerful ‘yantra’ tool to complement their day-to-day Sadhana, and is most beneficial for those who are unable to visit temples and other spiritual places due to a physical illness, age factor or work. “Sadhana app brings the pristine temples of the Siddha-ashrama to the homes of people. No physical travel is required. The journey to inner peace can begin with yourself, anytime!”, she adds.

In the service of Sanatana Dharma and society, the app is a modest, not-for-profit contribution toward reviving the timeless Vedas and preserving our cultural inheritance for future generations. The organisation is currently raising funds to fuel more development of innovative and interactive features, and Vedic wisdom, and is reaching out to philanthropists to support the revival of the concept of Dharma.

“The Vedic philosophy is a hundred years away from extinction. If we don’t recover the Vedas, they will perish one day. In the appearance of being substantial, we are not even revealing our youth and children to the beauty and teachings of the Vedas”, says Om Swami.

Anand ends with, “The dedicated exercise of sadhana is transformational. Once you have experienced the connection to the divine source within, you are no longer alone. I’ve experienced this bliss first-hand, and I wish all seekers experience it too.”


Noor Anand Chawla

Guest Author Noor Anand Chawla is Head Digital Content and Marketing for ShowCase Events. She contributes feature articles to various publications and writes on her blog She can be found on Instagram @nooranandchawla

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