A Story Of Gut Wisdom

Sonali Jajodia, Gut Health Coach, MD (alternative medicine) and Founder, HappyGut Company spoke at a keynote address of the 2nd edition of the Festival of Wellbeing of BW Businessworld on the topic of – ‘Gut Microbiome’. 

Jajodia started talking about how she healed her younger son (her first patient) who was in a coma for one and a half years after having a brain stroke at the age of 12 years. Multiple surgeries were conducted on him – 9 brain surgeries, and the doctors told her there was no way to cure him.

She said that, “A mother’s heart will never give up. I told the doctors that now that you have given up, and as I am qualified in my field so let me take over. Using all the age old concoctions by going back to our roots is what I felt would heal my son. I had studied nutrition and food as medicine. I had studied to become a doctor in alternative medicine even though the family business was a part of the steel industry. So my qualification and my knowledge managed to make him better by using a combination of those concoctions and I managed to cure him as he had a tube in his stomach and from there is what went into his stomach. He started showing improvement and is completely fine now.”

She also said that when she was a young child they never used medicines. The very simple herbs, spices and condiments were sufficient to cure her whenever she was unwell. “Food has always fascinated me. Since I had a lot of exposure to all kinds of food, I decided that I would find medicines which were natural in food, and not medicines given by doctors,” she added.

According to her knowledge she learnt that our gut is 30 feet long. She also went on to say that, “Our gut is very sensitive to toxicity not only from some kinds of foods but also examples such as stress, performance and there is a lot the body has to handle. I had different kinds of clients from all walks of life with many ailments who I cured.

The right food for our gut is our simple very old concoctions. Our gut is a very important part of our body. My company HappyGut then started through my inspiration got from age old simple remedies.” Gut knowledge is very important and the right nutrition is key. We should nurture it is what she also believes and preaches.

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