
Follow These Tips To Avoid Health Issues During Festival Eatings

Diwali is the most awaited festival in India. It is an ocassion of sweets and dishes, but many times health gets spoiled in the affair of eating different dishes. Here are some tips to enjoy your Diwali with healthy habits:

Take less amount of sweet

During the festivals, sweets are the food that cannot be ignored, but its excessive intake may cause a problem like nausea or loss of appetite. To avoid this, eat small pieces of sweets or less amount of sweets. By doing this, you can get less sugar consumption. Also, sugar-free sweets can be more health concious during fests.

Avoid overeating

Food served in a bigger plate is full of dishes during festivals, and the person has to forcibly finish it. The result is that due to overeating, that person later starts feeling bloated and even having trouble breathing. To avoid overeating, choose a small plate that is easy to finish and all the dishes are taken in a less quantity.

Drink adequate water

One must drink water in an adequate quantity to maintain liquid intake throughout the day. Water also helps in digestion, so during festivals it is needed with variety of disherls. Instead of drinking plain water, one can also drink water mixed with lemon, mint, and cucumber to maintain the water level and avoid the problem of acidity.

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