Homeopathy – An Answer To Many Problems

Dr Mukesh Batra, Founder and Chairperson of Dr Batra's Healthcare, spoke at a keynote address of the 2nd edition of the Festival of Wellbeing of BW Businessworld about the benefits of homeopathy. The topic was ‘Homeopathy – Then and Now’.

Homeopathy was founded in 1796 and is currently in 176 countries. “Today there are 5 lakh doctors across the globe who practice homeopathy, out of which, 2 lakh are Indians. Today it is being used by 50 crore people and out of this, 10 crore people are in India. Almost 20 per cent of the users of homeopathy all over the world, are actually Indians,” he stated.

Dr Batra said that earlier homeopathy was practiced after just reading a few good homeopathic books. Now at least 10 years of education goes in learning to be a homeopathic doctor.

He revealed that homeopathy came to India when Maharaja Ranjit Singh had a bad throat and lost his voice. “He called for a physician from Autria, who was the first homeopath to practice in India, in the court of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in Punjab. He gave him a homeopathic medicine that brought back Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s voice and cured his sore throat forever.”

Maharaja Ranjit Singh then requested the doctor to stay back in India. Homeopathy then spread to Calcutta and the first homeopathic college – Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College, was set up. This was the first homeopathic college in India established in 1881. Dr Batra went on to state that, “Today there are 260 graduate colleges affiliated to universities, out of which 35 of them have post-graduation degrees as well.”

He said that when homeopathy was founded there were only 200 basic drugs. Today there are 12,000 basic researched and developed drugs over the years. “Homeopathy is one of the youngest systems of medicine in the world. It is the second largest according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Almost 500 clinical trials have been conducted,” he added.

Homeopathic medicines are very authentic today. Today it is a 1 billion USD market in the world and is estimated to reach 1.4 billion by 2028 (40 per cent increase). In today’s day and age even paralysis has been cured by homeopathy. 

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