Know What Is Cardiac Troponin Test That Prevents Heart Attack

Heart attack cases have increased significantly in the country after the covid pandemic. People are sufering heart attacks at an early age, due to which in many cases they are dying on the spot.

Doctors say that to prevent heart attack, it is necessary to get heart check-ups done on time. This will enable timely identification and treatment of any disease present in the heart. Health check-up and early detection of the symptoms of the disease can be easily treated.

There are many types of tests to check the heart. These include lipid profile test, treadmill test and chest CT scan. However, there is another test through which heart disease can be easily detected. This test is called cardiac troponin test. Through this, many serious diseases of the heart and any kind of problem present in the arteries of the heart can be detected.

Cardiac troponin test detects damage to the arteries of the heart. With this, complete information about the health of the heart is available even before the heart attack occurs. Doctors also recommend getting this test done after doing all the examinations of the patient. If someone is having chest pain, difficulty in breathing, then this test should be done.

To avoid heart disease, it is most important to keep the diet and lifestyle right. Include adequate amount of protein and vitamins in the diet. Avoid junk food. Do not take fat rich diet. Do some exercise at least half an hour a day. If you do gym or do any heavy workout, then first get all the heart tests done. If you are fully fit, all go to the gym. If there is any problem in the heart, then first consult a doctor and do workouts accordingly.

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