These Yogasanas May Prevent Youth From Falling Into Depression

Stress, depression is a sign of deteriorating mental health and in today's era youth are more affected by this problem. Apart from medicine and treatment, relief can also be found by indigenous methods. Here are some yogasanas, by which one can improve mental health.

Vajrasana: To calm the mind, you should do vajrasana daily. The specialty of this yoga asana is that it will not only improve mental health, but the problems present in your stomach will also be removed.

Sukhasana: This is considered to be the easiest pose in yoga. If seen, this is a way of meditation, which can be done by anyone. It is not necessary to choose the right time and right place for this. Those facing stress or depression should sit in this posture for at least 10 minutes daily.

Paschimottanasana: You should do this asana by taking 10 minutes out of busy life. To do this, start by moving your feet forward. Lean forward while exhaling and place your upper body on your lower body. Try to touch your knees with your nose.

Uttanasana: If you are a victim of depression then this yoga asana will prove to be very helpful for you. This will calm your mind. Doing this regularly will keep your mind calm.

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