
Spirituality in Health and Wellness

If we are able to add the aspect of spirituality infusing it into our daily routine of health and wellness, then life becomes blissful and happy. With each and every moment becoming mindful, we will be able to live our lives with consciousness. This is the beauty of spirituality in health and wellness. Even if our physical health is looked after, and we are hale and hearty, our mental state also deserves as much or maybe even more attention. The spiritual element in health and wellness focusses on the mind and spirit’s well-being. If the mind is not positive, lacks positive affirmations, positive thought patterns then it may not give us a good conclusion to our existence. To build this we need to add spirituality in our lives, it will help us to grow with perfection. 

So, what kind of spiritual practices are there? Surya Namaskar is a good example. As long as we practice the sun salutation as just a form of exercise, it will work for us at that level. But if we begin to practice the Surya Namaskar with emotional powers by expressing our reverence and gratitude towards Lord Sun, it takes on a spiritual bent. When we practise it in the spiritual manner, we will be able to connect with the universe, and to the powers of this existence. The law of nature is such that whatever we send out comes back to us. So when we are able to express our love to divine powers. It comes back to us. There is one more way to turn your sun salutation into a spiritual practice, and this is through chanting. Add the following mantras/chants to your Surya Namaskar.

·         Om Suryaya Namaha

·         Om Mam Mitraya Namaha

·         Om Sam Suryaya Namaha


Steps to perform the Surya Namaskar  

The human body is divided into Right and Left side, with each side possessing specific qualities that are unique to it. The Right represents the ‘Surya Nadi’ or the ‘Energy Channel’ and the Left stands for ‘Chandra Nadi’ or the channel of the Moon. The Surya Namaskar as the name suggests salutes the powerful Sun and is Lord Hanuman’s offering to the Sun God as Guru Dakshina.

A scientific sequence of 8 powerful yoga poses form the Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation. Though best practiced early morning on an empty stomach, we can perform the Surya Namaskar any time of the day. Apart from providing the body with a 360 degree workout, the Surya Namaskar also impacts the body and mind positively. A complete cycle done on both sides comprises of 24 counts.

1.       Pranam Asana (The Prayer pose)

·         Breath: Inhale and Exhale


2: Hastha Utanasana (Raised arm pose)

·         Breath: Inhale deeply and retain breath as you bend back 


3: Padahastasana (Standing forward bend)

·         Breath: As you fold forward, exhale deeply


4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

·         Breath: Inhale as you step back (Right leg)


5: Santholanasana (Plank Pose)

·         Breath: Exhale as you step back and then hold your breath


Position 6: Ashtanga Namaskar Asana (Eight limbed salutation)

·         Breath: The posture is formed while in Kumbakh (Retained breath)


Position 7: Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

·         Breath: Inhale to lift up


Position 8: Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward dog pose)

·         Breath: Exhale to form the asana


Position 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

·         Breath: Inhale to come into posture (Step in with Right leg)


Position 10: Padahastasana (Standing forward bend)

·         Breath: As you fold forward, exhale deeply


Position 11: Hastha Uthanasana

·         Breath: Inhale deeply and retain breath as you bend back 


Position 12: Pranam Asana

·         Breath: Inhale and Exhale


(Please repeat the steps starting with the Left leg to complete one full cycle)

Benefits of Surya Namaskar:

·         Helps with weight loss

·         Strengthens muscles and joints

·         Improved complexion

·         Helps combat insomnia

·         Ensures regular menstrual cycle

·         Useful in treatment of frozen shoulders

·         Internal organs are massaged

·         Improves flexibility of the hips

·         Stimulates the Manipura Chakra

·         Improves balance in the nervous system

·         Reduces blood sugar and stress levels

·         Improves digestion and reduces constipation

·         Promotes balance between both sides of the body

Spiritual Benefits:

  • It works as a holistic body workout to maintain health with an added  spiritual touch.
  • It contributes to mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
  • It is a series of exercises which recharge us like a battery, enabling us to live more fully and joyfully with dynamism in action.
  • You feel a sense of clarity about the purpose of your life. It makes you feel lesser distracted from your goal.
  • Since the Surya Nadi or the sun channel is situated in the right side of your body and the right leg is taken back and brought in front in Ashwasanchalan asana first, the Surya Nadi gets impacted. This helps you create a connection with the sun channel situated inside.

Meditation when done for material gain is definitely beneficial, but spiritual meditation is even better. If we are practising the technique of Tratak meditation on the Moon, it impacts our third eye energy. But when we are able to express our gratitude for the moon during the practice, this becomes a spiritual practice.

In this way there are separate means for the learning of spiritual science which can help us understand the existence of spirit giving us more clarity to live. There are special spiritual asanas, spiritual pranayama methods, spiritual meditation techniques and spiritual practices designed to enhance your spiritual quotient which is the most powerful thing on this planet. Bringing in the element of spirituality to your physical wellness practice leads to holistic well-being.


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Guest Author Grand Master Akshar is a Yoga Master | Spiritual Guide | LifeStyle Coach | Yogapreneur

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