
Perks Of Outdoor Yoga

In these hot summer days, everyone tries to stay under a roof with air conditioners. People are left with no motivation to get out of their houses for a morning or evening walk in the nearby parks. Resulting which, they are losing the touch of nature in their lives. They invest an ample amount of time at work. So instead of exercising outdoors, they prefer to burn the extra calories over a treadmill inside the gym to maximize the outcome. 

Green exercise is a practice of physical exercises done in a natural environment. It is a way to reduce and cope with stress. It not only gives the satisfaction of physical advantages but also helps in boosting mental health. It is known as a low-cost way to reduce stress levels in the body. This type of exercise reduces mental fatigue and improves concentration and cognitive function. 

Practising exercises especially yoga indoors is being followed for a long time now. People with busy schedules prefer practising at their homes to save time. But what they forget is the benefits they are losing on. Rehearsing physical activities like yoga, both indoors and outdoors have a completely new experience. For say, breathing indoor and outdoor air are not the same. One has the same odour in which we have been living while the other has fresh air. This one aspect is just another reason to encourage people to practice yoga outdoors.  

Let’s dig deep into the perks of yoga. 

The indoor practice of yoga might bring the monotonous environment but doing the same outdoors, will not only offer a better view but gives freedom to change the locations accordingly.  

The basic of yoga involves breathing exercise and when performed outdoors it just adds to it. With the breeze, breathing outdoors will deepen your breath and eventually, it will be improved on everyday rehearsal. Inhaling and exhaling fresh air and smelling the surroundings can also help relieve stress and give the feeling of relaxation and happiness. 

Another benefit yoga can offer is mindfulness. Mindfulness is a process of focusing the mind on the nearby happenings and surrounding. While practising yoga, you can work on the body senses like listening to chirping birds, smelling the fragrance of a flower, feeling the air, touching the grass beneath. It can also help to focus on something as small as a ladybird. 

Outdoor practice opens the possibility of challenges on various levels. At times, it gives the exposure to uneven surfaces to perform yoga. The surface could change from floor to grass. It might be difficult to find balance in the same posture which was easier before. 

Exposure to sunrise or sunset is comforting. Practising sun salutation at this time of the day could help deepen poses by making muscles more flexible and gives the feeling of relevance. 

Being outdoors for a part of the day improves cardiac rhythms, balances hormones. Such practices decrease tension, anger and anxiety and can enhance the level of satisfaction and energy compared to performing the same activity indoors. 

Yoga can be experienced differently. Taking five minutes out from daily routine for outdoor activity improves mental well-being and physical illnesses. You might not even know how dissimilar the result could be just by changing the place to practice it.  



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