
Kavi Bhandari


Editorial lead — BW Wellbeing

Latest Articles By Kavi Bhandari

Focusing on our Prana

Our body has more than 72,000 nadis where there are energy channels.

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Beating anxiety with yoga

Those who are suffering from what actually this problem is, know about the panic attacks and palpitations and less sleep which is not allowing them to do anything.

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Flexibility is the key to success

From another angle the key is to have that ability of being flexible.

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The benefits of yoga

Something that is happening with asanas, pranayama, meditation practices is the expansion of the chest.

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Looking within during trying times

The Covid-19 pandemic literally forced people to look within and find inner peace in these times of anxiety through practicing yoga.

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Senior homecare services during the pandemic

The elder care market in India is worth $1.5 billion. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic senior homecare services are much higher in terms of the demand factor.

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Global Wellness Day - A holistic approach to Wellness

On the occasion of Global Wellness day on the 12th of June, we talk to various experts of their respective fields, who give us advice and motivation during these trying times of the pandemic.

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Screen time boosting the business of eyecare

Our eyes are very sensitive and during this pandemic a lot of children have had to start wearing spectacles due to the weakening of eyesight by too much screen time.

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In conversation with Prarna Arora, Founder of Vedic Vitals

We can hold poor dietary habits, an unhealthy lifestyle, and harmful societal standards responsible for this intolerance and impatience that is so common in people today.

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In conversation with Shumita Kakkar, Founder, United We Care

United We Care is a ground-breaking initiative that doesn’t focus only on the problem, but rather on the root causes and provides holistic solutions to its users.

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